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Despite more than three decades having now passed since the latter's release, Return to Monkey Island's prelude picks up right where Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge left off, with Guybrush and his creepy brother Chuckie running amock in the Big Whoop amusement park. When players first gain control of the young yet mighty pirate, they'll be tasked with finding Scurvydogs, which are effectively just pirate-themed hot dogs.

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In true Monkey Island fashion though, finding where to buy Scurvydogs in Return to Monkey Island is only a small part of the puzzle. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, the two children have no money with which to pay for the disgusting-looking snacks, meaning that players will need to find a piece of eight or some other form of acceptable currency in order to satiate the pair's hunger. This guide will explain how to do just that.

How to Get Scurvydogs in Return to Monkey Island


Conveniently, players will find themselves standing directly in front of the Scurvydog store when they first take control of Guybrush. For those somehow having trouble spotting it, it's the large yellow building with the red roof to the left of the building with the parrot and the sleeping pirate on the balcony. Those who played Monkey Island 2 may remember this as the "Weener" store, though the top hat-wearing sausage on the roof has now been replaced with a wooden sign hanging out front.


Once inside the store, players should speak to the counter guy and ask for a couple of Scurveydogs. Sadly though, with no money to pay for them, Guybrush will be turned away, so Chuckie suggests looking for some change in the outhouse across the way. Before leaving, however, players should grab the pegleg with the key attached to it from by the door, as this will be needed to unlock the door to the aforementioned restroom.

How to Pay for the Scurvydogs


As per Chuckie's directions, the outhouse is opposite the Scurvydog place on the left-hand side of the screen. Before players can enter, they'll need to grab the outhouse key from Guybrush's satchel and then use it on the locked door, which will allow them to head inside. There, they'll find one of the most disgusting restrooms in video game history as well as a "little metal thing" near the wall on the right.


Examining the item will reveal that it is actually a slug: a fake coin that is around the same size and shape as a piece of eight. Following Chuckie's explanation, players will be able to pick it up and can then take it over to the Scurvydog store and give it to the counter guy. He'll hand over two Scurvydogs, after which, players will be able to head back outside and exit the area via the pathway on the right-hand side of the screen.

What to Do After Getting Scurvydogs


Immediately after entering the next area, players will be introduced to a young girl named Dee, who'll add some new items to Guybrush's TODO list. Players can cross all of these things off fairly easily if they're so inclined, but the only thing on the list that really matters is finding Guybrush and Chuckie's real parents. To do that, they'll simply need to head to the far right of the area and then through the wooden gate.


Doing so will reveal that the two children are actually Guybrush's children, who just happen to be named after him and his mortal enemy. After a short conversation, the adult Guybrush will proceed to tell his younger namesake about the real secret of Monkey Island, at which point, players will be taken back to the familiar setting of Melee Island, and, after a short title sequence, Part 1 of Return to Monkey Island will begin.

Return to Monkey Island is available now on PC and Nintendo Switch.