Leon Kennedy first showed up in the Resident Evil franchise as one of the two protagonists of 1998's Resident Evil 2. He then went on to star in Resident Evil 4, in addition to showing up in several other games and movies.

Related: 10 Things About Leon Kennedy Any Fan Should Know

He is just one of many iconic heroes in the franchise, but many prefer him over Chris, Claire, or even Jill. The ten memes below might convince any naysayers that Leon is indeed the coolest Resident Evil hero. He certainly has the upper hand on Chris now, because Leon did not shoot Ethan's wife, Mia, in the Resident Evil: Village trailer.

10 Ashley Graham Is The Worst

Leon ashley meme

Every Resident Evil 4 fan can relate to this meme. Most bemoan all the segments where Leon escorts Ashley Graham through either the village, castle, or island area.

When a Ganado picks her up or Leon strays too far away, Ashley starts yelling out Leon's name like a cat meowing for food in the morning. Fortunately, the escort segments are not too difficult and only take up a small portion of the story.

9 Video Games Are Terrible, Until The President's Daughter Needs Saving

Leon kennedy meme cat

Some say video games are too violent and negatively effect young, impressionable minds. What negative lessons can they learn from Resident Evil 4?

Related: 10 Things You Never Knew About Resident Evil 4's Development

Leon Kennedy is a hero saving the president's daughter from an evil cult looking to propagate a deadly parasite. If anything, the game teaches players about standing up to evil and fight to the last breath against insurmountable odds.

8 But It Adds To The Tension

Chainsaw leon meme

Leon Kennedy does not seem too worried in Resident Evil 4, otherwise he'd probably run while reloading and shooting. Instead, he takes his sweet time standing in place while a menacing man holding a chainsaw charges towards him. At least his bravery is commendable.

In Resident Evil 6, Leon and the other protagonists can finally reload and shoot while moving. Even with this new ability, the fourth game and just about every other Resident Evil is considered superior to Resident Evil 6.

7 These Hands Were Made For Walking

Walk a kennedy

Leon Kennedy has some wild maneuvers in Resident Evil 4, especially when compared to his limited mobility in Resident Evil 2. He does backflips, wrestling moves, and some wild jumps, using all of these to barely scrape by and rescue Ashley Graham from Los Illuminados.

These new moves are a result of the training he received from the U.S. government after Resident Evil 2. The Raccoon City Police Department does not teach moves like this.

6 But Leon Would Never Be In This Situation

Leon crush meme

This picture does a great job of relating how most of us look when talking to our crush. The next time any reader finds themselves in this situation, just think like Leon Kennedy.

He has many weird run-ins with Ada Wong, who very well might be the love of his life. However, the hero always keeps his cool and never comes off as awkward. He is only awkward when trying to pull off great one-liners and comebacks.

5 True Love

Resident Evil vendetta chris and leon

What is more masculine than these two heroes looking at their vehicles like they are watching their wives walking down the aisle on their wedding day?

Related: 10 Crazy Resident Evil Details You Only Know If You Read The Books

We only hope everyone reading finds someone who looks at them in a similar way. Even Ada Wong is jealous of the way Leon looks at the vehicles here. Players never thought true love could exist in Resident Evil, but here is irrefutable evidence.

4 Detective Skills At Work

Round hole meme

The above picture showcases Leon's keen observational skills. Who else could deduce that a round hole in a door perhaps has something to fit inside it. Even Sherlock Holmes could not draw such a conclusion.

Without this line, how else would players think to find a key in the environment? Resident Evil 4 mostly does away with puzzles, leading to head scratchers like this.

3 Antagonizing Lord Saddler

RE saddler meme

This seems exactly like something Leon would say to Osmund Saddler in Resident Evil 4. When raising his hand menacingly fails to work and becomes played out, he resorts to opening his mouth super wide and exposing an eyeball inside his throat.

Was the eye inside him the whole time? It raises the question; is Saddler really himself or was he being controlled by a Plaga?

2 Gotta Look Classy

Leon noir meme

Leon has numerous outfits throughout the Resident Evil series. They range from rough and tumble uniforms to classy retro outfits. The sophisticated Resident Evil fan will want to play through the Resident Evil 2 remake with the noir outfit.

The protection of an RCPD uniform is important, but not nearly as important as shooting zombies with style. Resident Evil 4 features a similarly snazzy outfit which makes him look like a gangster from the 1930s.

1 Chris Redfield's Favorite Meme

Leon Ashley and Claire meme

There is a running joke among Resident Evil fans that Chris Redfield desperately wants Leon and Claire to start a relationship. While Ada Wong has Leon's heart, he would probably choose Claire if the choice was just between her and Ashley Graham.

For one, Claire can take care of herself in the heat of an outbreak, so he would not have to do any pesky escort missions like in Resident Evil 4. Secondly, Claire is just the cooler character.

Next: Every Boss In Resident Evil 4, Ranked From Easiest To Hardest