The highest available difficulty mode at the start of the Resident Evil 3 remake is "Hardcore," but that is just the tip of the iceberg. After besting "Hardcore," "Nightmare" mode is unlocked, which rearranges the item layout in addition to making enemies tougher.

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Finally, "Inferno" is available only to souls dedicated enough to beating "Nightmare," and ramps up the difficulty even more with incredibly aggressive enemies. The toughest mode can seem impossible at first, but becomes infinitely more manageable by following the ten steps outlined below. These are also key to completing the speedruns, which is an important step for completionists.

10 Buy The Infinite Rocket Launcher

Infinite Rocket Launcher Residetn Evil 3

Thankfully, the player can bring all the items purchased within the shop without penalization. Number one on the shopping list has to be the Infinite Rocket Launcher, which is exactly what the name implies. This massive weapon takes all enemies out in one hit and makes quick work of all the bosses except the last.

At over sixty-two thousand points to purchase, it will take substantial time to earn, but thankfully the player can farm kills for the weapons Records by saving and reloading numerous times. The kill count is saved on the profile, so reloading doesn't set back the amount of kills Jill has earned.

9 Familiarize Yourself With The Enemy Layout

resident evil 3 remake monsters hunter y grave digger

"Inferno" uses the same item and enemy layout from "Nightmare." Pay close attention to where enemies are located, especially the ones who take cheap shots at Jill by waiting by a latter or right around a corner.

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Without autosaving, these hazards are far more threatening. One wrong move can set the player back a half hour or more. While some of the enemies have unfair maneuvers, Jill can usually be just as cheap and kill them without putting herself in harm's way.

8 Buy The S.T.A.R.S. Field Combat Manual

Resident Evil 3 Stars field combat manual

Enemies deal out significant damage in this mode, which is why avoiding bites is as vital as ever. With the S.T.A.R.S. Field Combat Manual equipped, the timing for dodges is more forgivable.

Without it, one's button press needs to be nearly perfect. Some enemies can take Jill out with one hit, so this extra assistance is a must have.

7 Buy Assault Coins

Assault coin resident evil copy

While the Infinite Rocket Launcher takes out every normal enemy with one hit, bosses still take extra shots to take down. To ensure the different forms of Nemesis never even stand a chance, buy the two assault coins for bonus damage.

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With both of them equipped, most boss encounters barely get the chance to move before Jill puts them down.

6 Know When To Save

RE3 remaster art

Fewer save points are available on this mode, and autosaving is taken away as well. If one is going for the coveted S rank, then Jill is only allowed to save five times. The game is short, but one still have to be cautious with their saves.

Ultimately it is up to the player when they think saving is best, just be sure to have the last save be right before the final encounter. The last boss is really the only part that is still incredibly challenging even with the Infinite Rocket Launcher and all the special items.

5 Buy Defensive Coins

Resident Eivl 3 Iron Defense Coin

A single zombie bite puts Jill into a danger state. Stronger enemies can take her out with one hit. To prevent quick deaths at the hands of normal enemies, buy the defensive coins to bulk up her health.

With it equipped, the player can take a significant beating from the monsters even at this high difficulty mode.

4 Master Dodging

Even with the special defensive items equipped, a few enemies can take Jill out with the snap of their fingers. Dodging is still a vital maneuver to prevent unwanted deaths.

The aforementioned S.T.A.R.S. Field Combat Manual helps make the dodge a little easier, but one should still practice dodging plenty and be confident in the technique. The last boss in particular is nearly impossible without knowing how to dodge its instant kill attacks.

3 Buy Recovery Coins

jill valentine

These coins restore Jill's health over time. With two of them equipped, she will go from the edge of death to brand new in less than a minute.

It is still a good idea to have some health items in the inventory, in case Jill gets too close to a game over when enemies are still around, but having these significantly reduces the risk of dying.

2 Always Take Out Nemesis

resident evil 3 nemesis tendrils

Nemesis chases Jill throughout the city on several occasions. To remove the sense of urgency and running blind, always take the beast out when it shows up. With the Infinite Rocket launcher, he should go down in one or two hits.

These segments can see Jill run straight into zombies while dodging Nemesis, so taking him out immediately giver her more time to take care of the enemies in front of her without worrying about the beast approaching from the back.

1 Buy Hip Pouches

Resident Evil 3 hip pouch

Each Hip Pouch expands the inventory by two slots. Be sure to buy these in order to have enough space for all the special items Jill just bought.

It also helps cut down on play time if one is going for a speedrun, since one doesn't have to waste time managing inventory or finding the more hidden Hip Pouches.

Next: 10 Tips To Making The Trip Through Raccoon City A Little Easier In The Resident Evil 3 Remake