With a somewhat barebones content update coming to Red Dead Online for Halloween, and nothing major coming to the Red Dead Redemption 2 story mode, it seems like fan requests for Undead Nightmare 2 have gone unheard by Rockstar Games. With their hopes dashed, fans of Red Dead 2 took to Reddit to muse over the potential that expansion may have had.

The legacy of the first Undead Nightmare, as well as Rockstar’s other single-player DLC, has lingered. Fans have not forgotten the original expansion for the first Red Dead game, which not only brought zombies to the game, but a redesigned map and a completely new story to experience. However, with Red Dead 2 following in GTA 5’s footsteps and adding no single-player DLC whatsoever, the hopes for ever seeing a similar expansion seem dead.

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Despite one member of Rockstar’s team saying the studio had no plans for Undead Nightmare content in Red Dead Redemption 2 late last year, fans kept hope alive as long as they could. With this Halloween 2020 update, however, it seems like players are finally done holding onto the hope for single-player DLC for Red Dead Redemption 2. In a post to the RDR2 subreddit, reddit user xsiens made a post titled “missed opportunity for rdr2 undead nightmare” so that fans could share their thoughts.

Attached to the post is fan art showing an undead Arthur Morgan, something that would no doubt be a big draw. With fans laying Undead Nightmare 2 to rest, though, the post’s replies are mostly negative and share disgust or disappointment. One user, _goregasm_, said they will dust off the PS3 and play the original Undead Nightmare. NielHL believes the DLC is never coming as well, and if it did it would “just be an online add on” as opposed to an actual single-player expansion. Benjismalls asks, “Why does Rockstar hate story mode players,” before getting the reply from pandamcbearface2211 saying those fans “buy the game and don’t give them more money.”

The zombies added to Red Dead Online will likely be the closest players get to a proper Undead Nightmare follow-up, a situation memed by Betito117. The player references the “my disappointment is immeasurable” meme before saying their “heart is broken once again,” a message echoed by TsushimasDeath, who simply wants to “yeet zombies.” The rest of the comments point to GTA Online as the source of blame for Red Dead Redemption 2’s lack of support, a belief held by many players.

With runningbread888_yt angered that “R* refuses to let gta5 die” and BoxOfLasers calling the GTA 5 updates “low effort,” it seems many fans are angry at Rockstar’s other open world game. With Rockstar forgetting GTA Online’s anniversary, though, perhaps players for both games have reason to be frustrated with the developer.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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