Red Dead Redemption 2 allows players to live out their cowboy fantasies to the max. From doing criminal deeds to get rich, going on the run from the law, and starting plenty of drunken bar fights, the game seems true to the action of popular cowboy films. One important cowboy activity that isn't explained much in the game, however, is how to duel.

Duels in Red Dead Redemption 2 usually come in the form of mission objectives. In several missions in the main story, players will be tasked with slowly drawing their weapon and defeating their opponent in order to proceed. Dueling also features in several side missions too, including the challenge to track down and defeat famous gunslingers.

During missions, players will be prompted to slowly press R2 (PS4)/LT (Xbox One) in order to fill a meter and make Arthur draw his gun. Press it too quickly and players will only be given a small window of opportunity to shoot their opponent, but press it too fast and the opponent will manage to shoot Arthur first. It's a tricky mechanic to master but practice makes perfect.

arthur morgan shooting revolver

Once the gun has been drawn, players have a short amount of time to move the reticle to the target. Since this is a duel, most players will aim for the enemy's head. But, it should be noted that by aiming for the enemy's hand instead, players will still win the duel but they will get more honor for doing so. Keep in mind that the Red Dead Redemption 2 honor system allows players to get a discount in stores if they are seen as honorable.

Though, with all that said, it's important to note that players can still use the dueling mechanic outside of mission objectives. When players are going through the game generally, they can still slowly press R2/LT in order to draw Arthur's gun slowly. This will trigger Dead Eye, perhaps making it a slightly quicker alternative to aiming at an enemy and then activating Dead Eye after the fact.

And this isn't just useful in combat situations, either. It is also incredibly helpful when players are attempting to scare a random NPC or a witness to a crime. They can draw their gun slowly and use the Dead Eye slow motion to aim near the NPC's head, scaring them witless without hurting them in the process.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on PS4 and Xbox One.