Red Dead Redemption 2 includes ten different horsemen challenges for players to complete. Gamers that want to unlock the Legend of the East outfit will need to complete all ten of the challenges, as well as the other 80 challenges in the game. Most players will want to get their hands on the outfit, making the horsemen challenges compulsory.

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The most difficult objective in the Horsemen challenges is the ride from Van Horn to Blackwater in 17 minutes without touching any water. This guide will describe the best routes to complete the challenge.

Picking A Horse And Preparation


Players will need a fast horse with a good stamina bar to complete the cross country challenge. The Rose Grey Arabian horse or the Black Arabian horse are both good options for these challenges. These horses are fast enough and can sprint for extended periods without running through their stamina. Additionally, players will want to stock up on stamina regen tonics so that their horse can keep running at max speed. Gamers should also make sure to feed their horse before the challenge to ensure that their health and stamina bars are full. Leaving Van Horn at full speed will buy players a few seconds as well.

Save And Do Not Touch Water

This task can seem daunting at first glance. Not only is it time consuming, crafting enough tonics to make it all the way will be a hassle as well. Seventeen minutes is a long time to ride a horse in real life, let alone a video game. Nonetheless, players can get past the cumbersome challenge by taking the most efficient route. Every gamer should save their game before attempting the trek. Nothing is worse than having to ride all the way back to Van Horn after failing.

One of the stipulations of the challenge is that gamers will not be able to touch any water on their journey. This means that the Kamassa, Dakota, and the Upper Montana rivers are all off limits while completing the task. Each of these rivers stand in the way of Blackwater. As a result, players will need to find a route through and around these bodies of water.

Follow The Train Tracks

Red Dead 2 Train Tracks

The first part of the journey is simple, just follow the train tracks. They will take players on the appropriate route from the Van Horn Trading Post to West Elizabeth, which is on the opposite side of the map. The tracks will take players all the way to the North of the map and then all the way to West Elizabeth, which is close to the western edge of the map. This is  one of the the only options for players to get across the Kamassa River without wading through it. The route is also the simplest way to get across the Dakota River from the east while also avoiding the Kamassa. However, players need to beware of the train approaching from behind. Trains in Red Dead 2 only travel counter clockwise, so staying aware and keeping the volume up are important.

Gamers can choose to cross the Kamassa on the bridge to the southwest of Van Horn, and then follow the roads north to the tracks in northeast Ambarino, but that route takes a lot more concentration and effort. Ultimately, the only viable way to cross the Dakota is the railroad that runs through Wallace Station or Bard's Crossing to the south.

Alternative Routes To The South

There are a few other options to get from Van Horn to Strawberry, but they are more complicated. Theoretically, it would be faster to use either of the crossings by Bluewater Marsh and then take Bard's crossing to Strawberry. However, these routes have a lot of twists and turns that can be confusing. Gamers that have a good understanding of the map and plan well can choose these alternate routes. For most players, following the tracks will be easier. Until gamers reach Strawberry, they will be able to focus on keeping their horse's stamina up and avoiding bounty hunters instead of staring at a map.

West Elizabeth And The Owanjila Dam

After crossing the small stream past Wallace Station, players will need to take the roads through West Elizabeth and Strawberry to reach the north side of the Owanjila Dam. Players can also travel cross country through Big Valley, but there is a lot of terrain to navigate and a fair few creatures that would like to take players out. Unfortunately, the road by the Owanjila Dam is the only route that will allow players to avoid the Upper Montana River on the way to Blackwater.

Gamers can travel along the Upper Montana until they reach the main roads in the Great Plains, which will lead to Blackwater. The final trek through Tall Trees can be treacherous, and players should be aware of their surroundings while traversing the forest. Gamers that are riding in the Great Plains with a few minutes left should have no problem completing the challenge.

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