Between the hordes of griefers and the exceptionally high costed items, life in Red Dead Online can often feel like quite a challenge. To make matters worse, the game's active voice chat is a perfect venue for the most obnoxious of outlaws to kick a player while they are down. Fortunately for gunslingers that are tired of having salt rubbed in their wounds, muting other players is quick and easy.

For players that are looking for some peace and quiet in Red Dead Online, the process of muting others begins by pressing left on the D-pad to access the Free Roam menu. From there, selecting "Players" will provide several filterable lists that can be scrolled through with the trigger buttons.

While it is possible that a player may wish to mute a friend or crew member, the most common filter for muting is likely to be "Nearby," which will provide a list of players in close proximity. From there, a player can choose to mute all players, or they can highlight a specific desperado and press the button designated in the bottom-right corner of the screen to mute them exclusively.

read dead online nearby player

On the flip-side, some players may prefer that their voice chat not be made available to everyone they encounter. This can again be accomplished by pressing left on the D-pad to access the Free Roam menu.

This time around, players should select "Online Options" and then scroll down to "Voice Chat." By default, this setting will be set to "Everyone," but it can be adjusted to make a player's voice chat only audible to friends or posse members.

The ability to voice chat in Red Dead Online can certainly come with significant benefits — allowing players to coordinate as they tackle difficult challenges or participate in the Showdown Series playlists. However, as with any multiplayer game, some players will choose to use it in a way that others find annoying or downright upsetting. When such a situation arises, the above method will allow players to easily squelch the problem, and be on their merry ways.

Red Dead Online is accessible through Red Dead Redemption 2 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.