It's been a busy day for those following Ubisoft at the Rainbow Six Siege Pro League finals: the studio not only confirmed a brand new year of Rainbow Six Siege content, but also announced that an all-new zombie mode type of gameplay was confirmed to be in development for early 2018. For those more concerned with the near future, Ubisoft finally spilled the details about the next upcoming operation, White Noise, giving a full rundown on all three new operators and the brand new Seoul-based map.

The operation will release in full on December 5 across all platforms, though PC gamers can get an early look at Operation White Noise starting today on the technical test server. Those who have purchased a Year 2 season pass will be able to unlock all of the operators immediately upon their release, while the new Tower map will become immediately available to all players.

Without further ado, here's a quick rundown on what to expect in Operation White Noise:

Operator - Dokkaebi

Rainbow Six Siege Operator Dokkaebi

Dokkaebi is an attacker that will change the meta of Rainbow Six Siege gameplay in a way not seen since Mira’s wall windows came into play. She has two main abilities, the first of which is a logic bomb she can throw at defenders that will make their phones ring. Defenders will have to pick between focusing on shutting off their phone before it makes sounds, or remaining vigilant of their surroundings. It's a classic distraction technique, and one that forces defenders into split-second decisions that can make all the difference.

Dokkaebi's second ability only comes into play if she kills a defender. She can detect the phones of fallen enemies, and can hack into them to gain full access to all of the defending team’s cameras, including Valkyrie’s. Defenders also watching the cameras will know she’s tuned in to the feed, but the fact that defensive cameras can now work for both teams is a huge change and will likely change how players approach the game.

Operator - Vigil

Rainbow Six Siege Vigil Operator

The defensive White Tiger operator, Vigil, doesn’t like cameras very much. As such, he wears a full-frontal mask and what is essentially a portable Muse charge. He can utilize this to make himself invisible to the attacker’s drones, though this ability runs on a cooldown similar to Caveira’s silent step. Drones that get too close to him will experience some white noise feedback, but attackers still won’t be able to pinpoint his whereabouts. Thatcher grenades, along with IQ, will reveal his whereabouts. He’s a 3 speed 1 armor operator, which tied in with his concealed mobility makes him an effective roamer.

Operator - Zofia

The last GROM operator, Zofia, brings two unique abilities to the table. The 2 speed, 2 armor operator is able to pick herself up from the downed-but-not-out state, though she’ll only have 1 HP left if she does so. As mentioned before, she carries a dual barrel grenade launcher that fires both impact and concussive grenades. The former is great for breaching walls, while the latter can bounce around rooms and wreak havoc. Interestingly, both she and Ela are moderately immune to eachother’s concussive grenades, bringing a whole new meaning to the term sibling rivalry.

Map - Tower

Operation White Noise also introduced a new map called Tower, but it bears some striking differences from Japan’s skyscraper map. Aside of the roof that the attacker’s spawn on, there are no exterior facades beyond rappelling among tower windows, meaning defenders can’t rush outside. The map will offer a mix of close and long range fighting areas, with many angles and catwalks for players to remain aware of. There are two main routes the attacks can take, including one which brings them directly to the heart of the map - assuming they survive the dark and harrowing journey through the elevator route, which is a prime location for defenders to hide.

Operation White Noise is slated to release on December 5, 2017 across all platforms. PC gamers will be able to test out the new content starting November 20th on the technical test server, so those hungry to take the new operators for an early test drive will be able to do so immediately. White Noise is the final season for the second year of Rainbow Six Siege content, though Ubisoft has already detailed what's to come for 2018.

Rainbow Six Siege is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.