Club House has been a longtime map in Rainbow Six Siege, but it received a relatively hefty map buff in the last couple of years, improving it pretty considerably. Club House has always had a pretty unique feel, with a very linear game-flow that doesn't usually throw a lot of surprises your way.

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This is really just because the constrained nature of the layout doesn't allow for many different rotations, but it does leave plenty of opportunities for Attackers to enter from outside the building. Studying up on the basic tactics employed here can really make a difference in both using and countering those strategies, so let's take a look at ten tips for playing on Club House:


This is one of those rare sites that doesn't really require any Roamers at all. Sure, you COULD bring a Roamer to get off some of those big-play flanks or cover a couple of the ceiling hatches for a period of time, but it's definitely not necessary. There are plenty of entrances to the basement Attackers can utilize, and if they decide to split up and come from each of the angles, it's going to require quite a few Anchors to keep on top of things.


This room can be a challenge to keep hold of, and generally requires Defenders to have a presence on the majority of the second floor to succeed. There are a metric ton of exterior windows with which the Attackers can use to come into the second floor or just to hold angles, so Defenders are going to have to be very aware of the sightlines in order to not stray directly into a crosshair.

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The bathroom in the center of the site is almost always going to contain one Anchor, and if you can either get rid of or confirm there aren't any ADS or Mag-NET's, a frag grenade is likely going to score you a free kill.


While this objective isn't really that far from the other 2F objective, it plays vastly differently. There is one exterior wall in CCTV, and it can be very difficult to keep Attackers from opening it without peeking outside and shooting/throwing C4 onto the balcony. Any gadgets placed to prevent a hard breach, like a Bandit battery or a Mute jammer, can easily be destroyed from the floor below, but that spot can also be very easily utilized by Defenders trying to prevent a plant there, as well.


This is, for most teams, the least defensible site. There's an exterior door in the Stock Room that is fairly easy for teams to plant in, and they can prevent Defenders from peeking out those windows for the flank very easily with a Nomad, Claymore(s), or Gridlock.

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Blowing a hole between the Stage and the Stock Room is one of the only ways to defend that plant, but it can have mixed results, mostly because it's become the expected strat.


As mentioned before, there are not many options for rotating through the map in Club House, which makes sitting tight and holding angles with an ACOG very strong for a Defender, especially if they set themselves up in a crucial hallway. This also amplifies the already great value of a trap Defender, like Lesion, Kapkan, Frost, or Ela. It's pretty easy to set up a trap that an Attacker is going to have to interact with, whether that's by setting it off or destroying it.


The Garage is a popular entry site for Attackers no matter the objective site, because it has pretty easy access to any of the objectives with the option to go to the 2F, 1F, or Basement.

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The good news is, a Defender can delay Attackers from gaining control of the Garage for quite a long time from the railing above. If there is a Defender playing up there, breaching through that Garage door is a much easier way to get into the room than entering through the doorway.


On the 2F, the windows are going to play a critical part on Club House, possibly more so than a lot of other maps. Because there are so many windows with critical sightlines throughout the 2F, they can be both a blessing and a curse. Holding an angle from a window as an Attacker can essentially freeze the Defenders from rotating around, but there is basically always a window that a Defender can peek out of and easily peek you. Nomad and Claymores are your friends.


Hatches are a pretty important part of the Basement defense, just because there are so many of them. The ceiling hatches in the 1F Stock Room isn't generally going to provide much value for the Attackers, just because it's pretty easy for them to gain control of that B Utility Room anyways.

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However, the hatch in the 1F Kitchen drops Attackers directly into the Armory site, and the hatch in the 1F Bar drops Attackers directly into the B Utility Room, which is directly next to the B Church site. If Attackers gain access to these hatches, there need to be Anchors ready to fire as soon as they drop down.


The 1F Bar is usually a pretty high-traffic area for Roamers since it's their only way to traverse between the two staircases leading upstairs without going all the way down and through the basement. Cutting this off can go a long way in delaying a flank from a Roamer, and give your team a bit more time to deal with the Anchors and force the Roamer to deal with a re-take scenario instead of a flank.


The roof hatch in the 2F Logistics Office is going to be an attempted entry point for one or two Attackers if the site is on the 2F. This can be a tough room to hold as a Defender unless your team is devoting Jager or Wamai support to it, and even then, it's basically impossible to deny Attackers from droning it out. If Attackers do gain control of this room, it's more than possible to completely trap them inside, since there's only one exit door. If those walls are reinforced and they aren't a hard breacher, then they're in for a bad time.

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