Rage quitting in video games has been around since the dawn of gaming in general, but in Rainbow Six Siege it can be a common problem. In Rainbow Six Siege there are many situations in which a rage quitter can ruin the game: simply letting their team down and denying them of a much needed player, it can prevent players from getting kills after a successful infiltration, and it can straight up ruin the gameplay of operators like Caveira or Smoke.

Rage quitting, for those unaware, is when a player leaves the game or quits the game abruptly mid-play. For Rainbow Six Siege, a highly competitive fast paced shooter by Ubisoft, this means a player disconnecting from the ongoing online match, leaving their team for fend for themselves. In most online games rage quitting is a bigger problem than singleplayer games because it also effects everyone else who was playing too. Problems like rage quitting will seriously need to be addressed by developers before Rainbow Six Siege goes fully cross-playable.

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A short clip appeared on Reddit, created by fan II_Sinon_II complaining how rage quitting hurts operators like Caveira. Caveira's whole kit is about catching one's opponents off guard. Rage quitters unfortunately ruin this though, as when Caveira downs them and goes in to perform an interogation, they leave before she initiates it, so she simply does not have the opportunity to reap the rewards of her difficult playstyle. Even if she starts the interrogation first, she only gets the intel on opponents and does not recieve a kill. Rage quitters hurt Defenders like Thunderbird and Caveira the most.

There are a multitude of problems with how Rainbow Six Siege currently handles rage quitters, and this fan initiated some insightful discussion about what needs to be done about it. Fans noted that many modern day multiplayer shooters leave a player's character in the last spot they were in when they disconnect from the game, but currently in Siege, they disappear altogether. Changing to this system would be only a single stone along the path to fixing the problem, but after Ubisoft has dedicated so much to stopping hackers, it will eventually need to handle rage quitters too.

Ubisoft has not been ignorant when listening to the pleas of the Rainbow Six Siege community, and recently reviewed a fan's recommendation to reworking Finka. Hopefully the developers will continue to take feedback from the community and initiate some potential solutions for problems plaguing the online game. After how much work Ubisoft continually puts into the shooter in the form of additions and updates, it is most likely a problem Ubisoft is already looking into.

Rainbow Six Siege is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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