It has been more than 20 years since the original Quake was released in 1998. Gaming has come a long way since then, but one thing that hasn't changed is how fun the arena experience is. The movement speed and pace of Quake is unlike any modern FPS titles.

Now that the game supports 60 FPS on consoles, things feel even faster and more fluid. New and returning players may have some trouble adjusting to the speed and the aiming system in Quake because it has been so long. Even OG Quake players will need to incorporate a few tips to win in a standard deathmatch. People should use the universal tips below to get better at Quake's classic gameplay style.

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Get A Rocket Launcher

Quake Rocket Launcher

The Rocket Launcher is the iconic Quake weapon. That is because no other weapon even comes close to competing with it. The Super Nailgun and Thunderbolt are decent weapons that can net a few multi kills, but they are no match for the Rocket Launcher. Players should figure out where the spawn is and return to it every time they die. To win in Quake, users must have the rockets. Make sure to pick up those ammo boxes to keep streaks alive with the launcher.

Aiming And Projectile Velocity

Quake Super Nailgun

When using the Nailgun and Rocket Launcher, people need to account for the incredibly slow bullet velocity. With the Nailgun, gamers will want to aim where an enemy is going instead of where they are.

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The Supernail Gun (the three-chambered one) fires so fast that missing a few shots isn't a problem. Similarly, the Rocket launcher has a very slow bullet velocity, with rockets detonating on impact. Lead targets even further and aim for either the floor or a wall. Splash damage will kill any opponent that does not have armor.

Move And Loot

Quake PVP Remastered

Unlike more modern FPS games, Quake encourages movement. Gamers should be sprinting toward loot as soon as they spawn in. Grabbing one of the armor vests provides a huge advantage in gunfights. Likewise, pretty much any gun is better than the base shotgun. Find a better weapon and figure out where the Rocket spawns. It takes a lot of skill to consistently hit shots in Quake, and constantly moving makes it even more difficult for other players. Get a better weapon and a vest to dominate the lobby.

Sensitivity And Aim Acceleration

Quake Remastered Thunderbolt

The aiming system will feel completely different than any other first-person shooter. On both mouse and keyboard and console, a lower sensitivity is better at first. On console, Quake has an aim acceleration feature that continues moving the screen left to right even after an input is made on the right thumbstick. Practice and timing are important for that reason. A lot of people will assume that the game has screen lag, but it doesn't. That is how the original Quake was designed to be played. For that reason, mouse and keyboard players will have an aiming advantage. However, M+K players will not have aim assist.

Using Movement to Aim

Quake Nail Gun

Due to the in-game mechanics, using WASD or the left stick on controller provides more consistency when aiming. Instead of using the mouse/right thumbstick all the time, centering and moving to change the reticle position may help new players adjust to the style of play. As gamers get more and more comfortable with aiming, they can use the mouse/right stick more.

Field Of View

Quake Remastered

People on all platforms are able to adjust their field of view to increase the area of the map that appears on the screen. It is not easy to aim with a high FOV at first, but it will make users better players in the end. With the aiming mechanics on console, most people will need to adjust their sensitivity settings again to find a level that feels comfortable. The increased field of view gives the illusion that a player is moving faster, which takes some time to adapt to as well.

Strafing And Jumping

Quake Remastered Grenade Launcher

Classic Quake only has two real movement mechanics, which are strafing and jumping. Strafing is highly effective against all weapons except the Rocket and Thunderbolt.

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By strafing side to side, users essentially become a blur at 60 fps. Enemies will have to spam fire their guns and hope for a hit. Throw a few jumps in there to become an even more elusive target. Perfecting movement takes time, but even beginners can dodge some bullets by using the mechanic.

Finding A Match

quake logo

After they have created a Bethesda account, gamers can hop right into a multiplayer match online. The only mode available for public matchmaking is team deathmatch. However, players can create their own lobbies too. In the match browser, there are usually dozens of different public matches to join. They include variations of deathmatch, as well as co-op missions. Anyone having trouble finding a match should look through the browser and join a public match.

How To Play With Friends


Quake does not have the most intuitive system, but people need to keep in mind that the game is 23 years old. in order to play with friends, gamers will need to either join the same match in the browser, or create a match. Once the match is created, players can invite their friends either by giving them the room code or by sending them an invite under the "Invite Friends" option. Frustratingly, it is not in alphabetical order. Scroll down and find their usernames to invite each player.

Using The Grenade Launcher

Quake Grenade Launcher Remaster

In most scenarios, the Grenade Launcher is useless. Grenades have a two-second delay before they explode, making it easy for opponents to avoid the explosion. However, direct impacts cause the grenades to explode. Players that end up using this gun will need to get those direct impacts to get kills. Remember, the grenade velicity is atrociously slow, so lead targets to get kills.

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