While the PS4 does not have an official website to track PlayStation user gameplay, there are some unofficial systems that players can use to gather more information on their own gameplay. However, one website stands apart that can track gameplay on a community level.

There are a lot of PlayStation 4 users out there, and while the community is expansive, so is its variety of game preferences depending on who is piloting the console. With story-based apocalypse-centered games like The Last of Us 2 or competitive first person shooters like Rainbow Six Siege, there are a lot of options that gamers can choose from when they want to play.

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One service can allow players to track their gameplay time via a website called PS Timetracker. In order to be tracked through this website, a player needs to add a bot by the username ps-timetracker2 to their friend list. Once the bot is friends with a player, it will begin tracking the player's time on different games. Players will receive a daily message as long as the bot tracks at least 30 minutes of their gameplay. In order for gameplay to be accurately tracked, the player needs to be online. The bot will also track PS4 games that are open, even if they are suspended in the background while the player is doing something else.

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There is also a page of the website that tracks stats for the top 100 PS4 games based on hours played for each month. Currently, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is second only to The Last of Us 2, and at the time that this is being written, they are only 24 hours apart. However, since only around 3500 active players are being tracked by this bot, it is questionable how accurately these statistics represent the wider PlayStation community.

While these results may not be the most accurate, it is still interesting to see these statistics on a small scale. The website said that it was experiencing an increase in the number of users, so the results may soon reflect more accurately on the entire PlayStation 4 community in the future.

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Source: PS Timetracker