It may seem ridiculous to care about cosmetic changes in PowerWash Simulator, but the game is all about comfort and aesthetics. Sure enough, for almost the entire game, a glove or two and a sleeve will be on the screen. If the game is supposed to be fun and relaxing, having a nice look will directly enhance the experience.

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For this reason, players get control over how their character looks in PowerWash Simulator. It's not immediately apparent, but getting into a new suit just takes a couple of bucks and a few seconds. This is how to knock that out and get back to washing in a hurry.

Buy An Outfit From the Shop

PowerWash Simulator Searching Suits In the Shop
  • Main Menu > Shop > Clothing

This process of changing clothes won't work at first because there aren't any new clothes to change into besides the default blue suit. That's already equipped, so don't bother going through this process until getting another one.

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To get to the right place to buy, open the main menu and select the shop. It's the bright orange icon with the dollar basket symbol. Scroll down past the gloves, or buy a pair to go with the new outfit, the process of equipping the gloves is similar to this one. Then select clothing and browse the various options. Pick one that looks great, purchase it, and now it's time to get changed.

Equipping The New Outfit

PowerWash Simulator How To Change Clothes Collage
  • Equipment Button > Clothing Tab > Outfit > Select Suit

Located in the bottom left of the screen will be the button that opens the equipment menu. This is the same button gamers will use to change power washers. However, instead of fiddling with the default tab, go over to the right and select "Clothing."

From here, two buttons will be displayed: "Outfit" and "Gloves." Select "Outfit" and any purchased clothing will be here, choose them and get back to work!

PowerWash Simulator is available now for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Powerwash Simulator: How To Refill Soap