In the months since its launch, Elden Ring has managed to captivate many in the gaming community. From its sweeping, detailed landscapes, to its intense combat mechanics, to its brutally tough boss fights, Elden Ring has a lot to offer by way of challenge and difficulty. However, award-winning musician Post Malone recently explained why he can't play the game without experiencing an otherwise integral part of Elden Ring.

It's no secret that Post Malone is a big fan of video games, with the Pokémon Company even hosting a virtual Post Malone concert for Pokémon Day back in February 2021. While the rapper has enjoyed a wide variety of different titles, with Post Malone citing games like Skyrim and Guitar Hero in particular, he has recently taken up Elden Ring. Unfortunately, he claims that he can't play the game while listening to the music.

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If fans listen to a recent Hot Ones interview with Post Malone, they can hear him explain why he can't play Elden Ring with the music on despite loving the game. According to Post Malone, the music adds an extra degree of intensity to an already challenging situation, to the point where he even said that after a fight, he would have to go outside and smoke as a means of decompressing.

Post Malone also stated that the singing sounded like something akin to "choirs of demons" that are meant to absolutely destroy the player. In truth, Post Malone is not half wrong when it comes to the meaning and intensity of some of the music tracks in Elden Ring. For instance, the music that is sung by the Godskin Apostles translated from Latin to English is absolutely horrifying.

Not to mention that, as far as music in FromSoftware games goes, the soundtracks of each game feature some of the most imposing and frightening songs in all of gaming. In the original Dark Souls, the Dark Sun Gwyndolin music is heard, and it serves as one of the most creepy, haunting music tracks not just in Dark Souls, but any video game ever made. Thus, it makes sense that the intimidating nature of FromSoftware's previous scores would carry over to Elden Ring.

In any case, it's interesting to hear Post Malone's take on Elden Ring, especially with regards to the music in the game. It serves as a reminder that video games are individual experiences and each player has the potential to take away something different while playing the same game. In fact, there have been plenty of times where music has actually transformed video games and the players who experience them.

Elden Ring is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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