Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is full of new secrets to find and adventures to explore, even for players who managed to complete the original Sun and Moon releases last year. Some players have recently uncovered a new secret, that may or may not be intentional, that seems to be a little out of place in the kid friendly game...

One of the quests in Ultra Sun and Moon tasks players to track down seven different petals in an effort to put them together and create the Rainbow Flower, which will attract a Totem Ribombee for a final Pokemon battle. Most of these items look like a piece of a flower, but when players arrive at the pink petal, they started to notice it looked just a bit out of place.

We won't spell out what players are saying, but take a look at the item for yourself and see what you think...


Gamers who have collected the pink petal say that the scene feels even more inappropriate based on the knowing look on Mina's face as she hands the questionable item over to the young protagonist. It seems highly unlikely that The Pokemon Company or Nintendo would allow such a mature joke to slip into the game intentionally, so perhaps the community just needs to get its collective mind out of the gutter.

Either way, it's hard to see the item in any other way once it has been pointed out...

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon are available now for Nintendo 3DS.

Source: Twitter