Pokemon fans may be surprised to see a less-popular Pokemon currently trending on Twitter, as tons of Pokemon GO players are coming out of the woodwork as major Porygon fans. The September Community Day Pokemon will be determined by poll, and some people are determined to see Porygon come out on top.

The official Pokemon GO Twitter just announced the four candidates for the next Community Day to be Caterpie, Grimer, Porygon, and Charmander. This isn't the first time fans got the opportunity to choose the subject Pokemon, as earlier this year players voted Weedle as the June Pokemon and Gastly as the July Pokemon. Although Charmander is traditionally the most popular of these four Pokemon, a lot of fans want to have more opportunities to catch Porygon.

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Many of the tweets in the Porygon tag show off some seriously cool art, or showing off shiny Pokemon that trainers caught or bred themselves. The Pokemon doesn't have a shiny version in Pokemon GO yet, but if players vote it as the Community Day Pokemon, players would get to see Porygon and its evolutions' neat purple and blue color scheme in the game.

Some people on Twitter are torn between Porygon and the popular starter Charmander, as the fire lizard Pokemon was a part of a lot of people's first games and childhoods and was also featured prominently in the anime. There's also a bit of rivalry between the Porygon and Charmander fans, with the former group claiming people will pick Charmander just because it's so many people's favorite Pokemon. Given that Charmander is such a mainstay in the entire franchise, it makes sense that even if it doesn't get voted in for September, it may very well be a Community Day Pokemon later.

Porygon hasn't seen a lot of popularity in the Pokemon franchise, partly due to it being the star of one of the anime's banned episodes, "Electric Soldier Porygon," which caused several hundred Japanese children to experience epileptic seizures because of flashing lights. Porygon hasn't seen a lot of screentime since, and adding that to its variable usefulness in the metagame, it's not exactly a fan-favorite for most people. However, many people just like the Pokemon's design, which is a common reason for a lot of people's favorite Pokemon.

With over eight hundred and counting Pokemon in the franchise, people are bound to have their own favorites and be super passionate about the pixellated friends they made playing the games. Whether or not Porygon ends up winning the vote, it's really cool to see an underappreciated Pokemon get some time to shine for a while.

Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

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Source: #Porygon/Twitter