A Pokemon fan has imagined what Greninja's evolutionary line would look like if they were Poison-Type. Gamers like to imagine what various pocket monsters would look like if they had alternate Typings from their original forms. This has led to Pokemon fan art imagining new versions of existing creatures that gamers love.

Greninja is the final evolution of Froakie, the Water-Type starter for Pokemon X and Y. The pocket monster becomes a Dark-Type after evolving fully and is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The Pokemon also has a special form called Ash-Greninja, which was featured in the series' anime. One gamer drew Greninja and its pre-evolutions with a different Typing, giving their line a distinct new look.

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A Redditor named CraigRosnerArt drew the Greninja line as Poison-Type Pokemon. The artist changed their colorings to be comprised of mostly blue and purple, and gave them spotted patterns on their arms and legs. All three pocket monsters have gold medallions on their upper chests, which feature skulls on them. The white bubble scarves that Froakie and Frogadier had are now pink, while Greninja's has become more ragged. The creature also has golden skulls on its knees, and a large gold shuriken on its back. CraigRosnerArt's version of the Greninja line looks more intimidating than the original and fits in well with the concept of poisonous frogs.

The Poison version of Greninja that CriagRosnerArt posted on Reddit has gained a few fans. One user stated that they wish Greninja and its pre-evolutions were actually Poison-Type Pokemon, as it is their favorite Type. Another called the artwork amazing and said that this was their favorite Types all in one. The piece that CraigRosnerArt made is quite impressive and is a nice take on an alternate form of the Greninja line.

Another fan of Nintendo's RPG series took another starter and changed its Type similarly to how CraigRosnerArt changed Greninja. A Reddit user known as abz-art took Mudkip and changed it into a Fire-Type Pokemon. The artist changed the pocket monsters' original blue colorings over to oranges and reds, and changed its gills and fin into flames. The creature's tail was also altered to more resemble a flame as well. The Mudkip was given a mischievous smile and bright red eyes that help match the fiery nature of its new Typing. The artwork of both CraigRosnerArt and abz-art are interesting changes to well-established Pokemon and would make for great regional variants in future games in the series.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will release on November 18 for the Nintendo Switch.

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