A fan creates a trailer that mashes up Destiny and Pokemon GO, showing what a Destiny-themed Pokemon GO alternate reality game could look and play like.

Pokemon GO has made quite an impact on the mobile game scene, making $160 million in revenue and even causing a surge in sales of external battery packs for phones. There are bound to be multiple developers out there trying to figure out how to cash in on the Pokemon GO trend with more alternate reality games (ARGs).

One fan has theorized what a Destiny version of a Pokemon GO game could look like, putting together a trailer for this made up game, aptly titled 'Destiny GO':


The trailer (which Dexwell said took a little over a week to create) takes most of its footage from a Pokemon GO trailer, but then intersperses in new animated screens matching the Destiny theme. The trailer even starts off with a riff off the name and logo of Niantic, the developer of Pokemon GO, instead calling it Titanic, referencing one of the character classes in Destiny.

The fan, who goes by Icarus on YouTube and Dexwell on Reddit, mashup assesses that Destiny GO would contain nearby objects (instead of Pokemon to catch) like loot boxes and different tiers of enemies, such as Fallen Dregs and Captains all the way up to bosses.

The idea plays off Destiny’s Patrol mode, which allows players to explore one of the game’s wide public areas, defeating enemies, looting resources, and completing bounties and public events.

Instead of catching Pokemon, the idea behind Destiny GO would be for players to fight randomly spawning enemies, tapping the screen to fire and aiming by moving the phone. Like Bungie’s sci-fi FPS, a big part of the game would be leveling up, gaining reputation, and finding gear and engrams.

It’s a fun fan idea that actually looks like it could be really fun for fans of Destiny and Pokemon GO. Activision nor Bungie have not announced any plans for a mobile game of any kind based on the Destiny franchise. The only official app is the Destiny Companion App, created by Bungie, It allows players to see their characters, transfer weapons between them, and view vendor inventories.

But, with the continued success of the Destiny franchise, who knows what could be created in the future. We can hope, right?

What do you think of this Destiny version of Pokemon GO? Would you play it? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Destiny Reddit