Since the original Pokemon games were released back in the 1990s, more Pokemon fans have discovered the series as it received new iterations over each generation of consoles. Pokemon players each have their favorite region from the games, and one Pokemon Gold and Silver fan has encapsulated their appreciation for the early Pokemon games by creating a piece of the Ruins of Alph.

Reddit user Western_Muffin_5668 recently shared their physical version of a piece of the Ruins of Alph from Pokemon Gold and Silver, showcasing a slab of what looks like a brick wall with different letters of Unown painted on it. The portion of the Ruins of Alph wall that Western_Muffin_5668 has replicated physically has Unown characters that spell out the word "capes," with the first three letters being placed above the last two. Beyond simply recreating this part of the ruin walls, Western_Muffin_5668 has framed it alongside an image of Route 32, which is the setting of the Ruins of Alph in Pokemon Gold and Silver.

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Western_Muffin_5668 shows the Ruins of Alph piece from multiple angles to illustrate the realistic and aged appearance of the wall despite its handcrafted nature. The brick seemingly starts to fray and warp on the edges of the slab of brown, and red wall and each brick looks like it has been corroded by time as it would if the Ruins of Alph piece had come from a legitimate ruin. Because the piece of Ruins of Alph that Western_Muffin_5668 has created is from the middle of other Unown letters, the areas that would've connected to other Unown have been fittingly altered to resemble a slab that has been fragmented from a complete wall.

The final image of Western_Muffin_5668's Pokemon Gold and Silver fan piece shows the framed set hanging next to another framed fan art the Pokemon enthusiast has made in the past. Their other work centers on the ancient depiction of Mew and the description of it from Dr. Fuji in Pokemon: The First Movie. The two ancient Pokemon works of art look natural placed together as if they're from the same game despite one being inspired by Pokemon Red and Blue and the other from Pokemon Gold and Silver.

Pokemon Gold and Silver players may have experienced the ruins for themselves as much of the late game focuses on solving puzzles at various locations. While unlocking the mystery of the Unown is part of the Ruins of Alph experience, there are also slide puzzles that feature the likenesses of Legendary Pokemon Ho-Oh, fossil Pokemon Kabuto, and more. It's currently unclear if Western_Muffin_5668 intends to make more ancient Pokemon-themed art, but most Pokemon generations include references to the ancient past that may inspire future work such as The Ancient Tomb in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire and Abyssal Ruins in Pokemon Black and White.

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