Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl are remakes of the classic DS titles from 2007. There's a lot of new stuff for players to sink their teeth into, like the Grand Underground area and the Legendary Pokemon-filled Ramanas Park. The music has also been redone for the fourth generation remakes, but for fans that prefer the nostalgia of the original music from the DS games, there's a key item that fans can get in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

To get the DS Sounds application, Pokemon players should head to Route 214, which is just south of Veilstone City. Head south through the route until the Lakefront is reached. This leads players to a resort-like area with a few blue/white-colored buildings and even a swimming pool.

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Where to Find DS Sounds Item

In order to actually get the DS Sounds item, there's a particular NPC in a house to the far left of the resort ara, just north of the pool. But, he will not give players the item until they have defeated the Elite Four champion, Cynthia. So, if players are trying to get this item earlier in the game, it won't work.

valor lakefront

Go inside the house and speak to the man with blond hair and a guitar. He's the sound designer and will give players the DS Sounds item, allowing players to switch back and forth between the old Diamond and Pearl music and the new music for the Pokemon remakes.

sound designer ds sounds pokemon

Once players speak to the sound designer at the resort, they'll be able to use the item by heading into their Bag and then the Key Items Pocket. The item is called DS Sounds, and players can click on it to switch the game's sounds. To switch it back to the normal remake music, just go back to the item and turn it off. 'DS Sounds' can also be registered to the + button for easy access, as well as other important items like the Fishing Rod and the Bicycle. The item will change the music that plays in the overworld and the music during battles, too.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are now available for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl: Complete Guide & Walkthrough