In celebration of the newly released Stimulus Package,  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on the PC is offering another action packed double XP free weekend. Starting on Thursday at 4PM Pacific Time you can jump in to all of the great Modern Warfare 2 action, and if you do as Steam would like you to, purchase the game as well. The Stimulus Package doesn't seem to be included in the free weekend, but I'm sure that's just another sneaky way to persuade you to buy something. You can preload Modern Warfare 2 off of Steam right now, and you might want to since it's a huge download.It's too early to tell, but a free weekend like this usually coincides with a sale of some sort. I'd count on seeing a discount for Modern Warfare 2 or the Stimulus Package for Steam's Weekend Sale. It needs it, in my opinion, because Modern Warfare 2 is still coming in at Activision's new favorite price point of $59.99, and the Stimulus Package is $14.99 on top of that.

That's not to say that Modern Warfare fans shouldn't be unwilling to pay that much for a great multiplayer experience. I'd just hazard a guess that if Steam wants to catch a few new customers they'll have to be a little more generous.

Interested in the free weekend, PC gaming Ranters? Are you just waiting for a discount before you finally make the purchase?

Preload Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for the free weekend here (Requires Steam).

[Update: The link to start the preload doesn't appear to be working yet. I'll update the post as I see any changes. Sorry!]