Johnny Depp brings each character he plays to life in a new and eccentric way, Jack Sparrow being no exception. He is the reason most people watched the Pirates of the Caribbean films, but not the only reason. The original trilogy, although based on a Disney ride, is actually a really original idea for a franchise with an aesthetic that will live on in fame along with Depp's role. There could not have been a better actor to play this role at the time it was made, and Johnny Depp really did create an entire person out of nothing, including several catchphrases and mannerisms to make the character feel like a complete person. His look is iconic, thanks to costume designer Penny Rose and makeup artist Joel Harlow. Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean is one of Johnny Depp's greatest acting achievements.

Pirates of the Caribbean was Disney's very first PG-13 rated movie in 2003 and is one of only fourteen Disney films to be given this rating. The company had been making movies for almost seventy years by that point, and the studio didn't have a lot of luck with its theme park-inspired movies—based on its history. The film should have been a flop, especially since the theme park ride (although loved by fans of Disney) had no story or recognizable characters. But it made almost five times its budget and would go on to become one of the most successful franchises in history with five installments and no intention of stopping there. The script was genuinely clever and witty, and people instantly reacted positively to The Curse of the Black Pearl and even more so to Johnny Depp's portrayal of the lead character, Jack Sparrow.

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Terry Rossio and Ted Elliot are the creators and writers of the first four Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and Gore Verbinski was the director of the original trilogy. And although this is a fantastic story, with character and world development, and great acting, this franchise would not have been as popular as it is now without Johnny Depp's performance. Fans feel very strongly about his character, so much so that they have expressed their frustrations about the actor being replaced for the upcoming sixth film. There are several other standout performances by actors Geoffrey Rush (Captain Barbosa), Kiera Knightley (Elizabeth Swan), and Orlando Bloom (Will Turner). But when Johnny Depp's character (Jack Sparrow) is on screen, he is what the audience is focused on.

Jack Sparrow with Gun and Will Turner

Pirate movies were few and far between before 2003—not that anyone was interested in them anyway. The narratives seemed dull and boring, but then came Pirates of the Caribbean. The original trilogy had story elements that still paid homage to familiar pirate tropes, but took the story into a more whimsical and supernatural direction. In The Curse of the Black Pearl, the audience finds out that the pirates raiding the town are actually living skeletons whose forms are revealed by moonlight, and they need the blood of 'Bootstrap' Bill Turner (a pirate they had thrown overboard). But his son, Will Turner, has the same blood in his veins. Because each pirate stole the cursed treasure, they must return every piece of gold and make a blood sacrifice to lift the curse.

As it turns out, Jack Sparrow used to be Captain of the Black Pearl crew. Everyone's favorite antihero stole from the cursed treasure, and is also cursed. This was (and is) such a great story that it made people love pirates again, if they ever even had that is. The sequel, Dead Man's Chest, came out three years later and made over $1 billion. With an increase in budget and the encouragement of the success of the first film, the creators made a sequel that fans were even more impressed by because of the better looking cgi and makeup effects, the captivating story and characters, and of course Johnny Depp's further development of Jack Sparrow.

Jack sparrow standing on the mast of his boat

When Jack appears to have been killed by the Kraken at the end of the film, the audience is devastated as there appears to be no hope. That is until the resurrected Hector Barbosa (who was previously killed) makes his epic return and promises the excitement and adventure of the next film. Watching this scene in theaters in 2006, especially for younger viewers, was an exciting moment as it meant that the adventure was not over yet. Many viewers felt that after the third film—At World's End—ended, the story sort of fell off. It had interesting ideas, such as more pirate mythology like mermaids and seas sirens, but there was something missing. But because Johnny Depp really owned his character, fans still loved him enough to go see the new movies, even if the story was lacking a bit.

The original Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy was so well developed, and Johnny Depp's performance was so nuanced and entertaining, that no matter what the story was, audiences were going to show up for the adventure. Now that he is being replaced for the role of Jack Sparrow, the new actor will have very big shoes to fill.

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