With players creating their own game modes and creating churches for characters, Overwatch is a fun game with a pleasant player base most of the time. However, it's not perfect, and some players choose not to play nice at all, harassing their teammates (and their opponents) and leaving games that they just don't feel like they can win.

Thankfully, Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan has now revealed that Blizzard has big plans to fix things. In a post on the game's official forum, one player bemoaned the game's reporting features asking if the developer will introduce a punishment that actually resonates, as currently, "[reported players] don't give a crap if they're silenced, they just keep throwing [games]." To which Kaplan explained that the game no longer "silences" players who are reported for throwing games, and that "there is a post coming about updates to the punishment system coming soon."

There has been growing frustration about Overwatch's toxicity over the last few months, with fans arguing that Blizzard's actions towards reported players are often toothless. Given that the problem has been going on for a while, some aren't satisfied with Kaplan's response and say that they hoped that Blizzard would have done something sooner. Players have also spoken about leaving Overwatch (particularly the game's competitive mode) and this promise isn't enough to convince them to come back.


Others, though, say that Kaplan's comment is "good to hear." Although it's not coming as soon as many would have liked, it at least shows a willingness from Blizzard to fix a major problem with an otherwise very good game.

The Overwatch punishment problem is just one area of the game that Blizzard is working on to improve. The developer is also working on Play of the Game 2.0, which should give players a much better highlight experience that showcases the most impressive feat in each match.

Additionally, the company is also working on making the Overwatch League a succes, and ensuring the game is balanced overall. This all involves introducing new characters and tweaks to keep the game fun and feeling fresh at all levels. It's not an easy job, but someone has to do it, with the pressure now on for Blizzard to address all of this fan feedback in a way that the game's millions of players will be satisfied with.

Overwatch is available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One

Source: Blizzard