Overwatch is an intense and competitive game, but sometimes, players know ahead of time when they are in a losing situation. Still, one Overwatch fan has proven that putting in an effort, even when all hope is lost, can be a worthwhile endeavor.

Once an Overwatch match heads into the Overtime period, the first side to gain an upper hand is almost always the victor. While players can try to stagger and keep the match alive until their teammates return, the delay on the respawn timer and quickness with which the Overtime meter fades makes comebacks a tough task. This is especially true if only one player is alive, which is the exact situation that Reddit user Blackbyrne501 ran into. However, despite all odds being stacked in favor of the other team, the player did not doubt themselves.

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Taking place on the map Busan, the clip begins with Blackbyrne501’s teammate dying. Controlling the popular hero D.Va, the player tells his team “nice try” before saying that they needed to group up and attack earlier if they wanted to win. The sole survivor, Blackbyrne501 could have accepted the loss instead of dying on point. However, the gamer gave it their all and assaulted the enemy team head-on. With the opposition only one player down, the attempt seemed pointless — though the result was shocking.

As soon as the Reaper player used wraith form to get onto the point, they were stunned by McCree and hooked by Roadhog. This put Blackbyrne501 at almost no health, however, they still had one trick up their sleeve. In a last-ditch effort, the Reddit user activated Death Blossom, Reaper’s ultimate ability. Positioned in the center of the group, the Reaper did plenty of damage, killing three players instantly. With the hero’s lifesteal ability allowing health to be restored with damage, the player cleaned up the Reinhardt and Roadhog to win the point.

Hearing the D.Va player that had previously given up shouting “oh” after every kill made the clip even better, with the same teammate pointing out how the other side essentially threw the match. Having already won the point, all the other team needed to do was keep the opposition away. However, they chose to do emotes instead, with the attempt to brag about their apparent win backfiring completely. A classic example of one team being too cocky, the post did extremely well on the Overwatch subreddit, amassing over 12,000 upvotes and being met with a number of supportive comments.

With even the player that posted the clip saying that their strategy was “braindead,” as it involved rushing straight at the opposing team, they likely did not expect success either. Still, the response to the clip has shown that the Overwatch community approves of blackbyrne501’s surprising victory.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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