An Overwatch map on the moon has been teased in an update to the preexisting Lijiang Tower map. The map is just one of several content teasers dropped by Blizzard this week, as game director Jeff Kaplan also hinted at the arrival of a new hero.

Overwatch control map Lijiang Tower offers three stages – Garden, Night Market and Control Center – and it seems that the Garden section of the map has been changed slightly following the Anniversary Event update.

The banner on the pagoda in the middle of the map usually displays a lunar rover, but eagle-eyed fans have pointed out that it now displays the blueprints for a satellite instead. The Lijiang Tower Garden also used to sport a world map, but this has apparently been replaced with a map of the Horizon Lunar Colony instead.

This isn't the only tie that Overwatch has to the moon and this isn't the first time that in-game assets have hinted at a moon-based map, either. Gorilla character Winston was raised on the moon but came to Earth when the other apes rebelled and took the place over, so the location is chock full of lore relating to the peanut butter-loving primate. The image at the top of this post actually features a baby Winston and his scientist caretaker looking at Earth from their moon-based home.

Moreover, in April, datamining uncovered sounds and other content that seemed to be straight out of a sci-fi movie. These included space ship commands, rocket sounds and a Winston voice line that said "Go back to the moon? I don’t know.”

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Over a month ago Blizzard confirmed that six new maps are in development, including some for competitive play and some for arcade. While the developer has also said that it wants a hero and a map for every part of the world, who's to say that it wouldn't take a trip to outer space? After all, a lunar map offers plenty of possibilities with some fans even asking for a PvE mode that sees the Overwatch heroes fight back against the apes that took the moon over in the first place.

Fans are clearly excited, then, but they could have to wait a few weeks before Blizzard officially announces the map. There will be at least one major Overwatch surprise at E3 2017 next month, but whether a moon map will be part of that is up in the air (or rather, up in space) for now.

Overwatch is available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Source: PVP Live