Overwatch is a hero shooter developed by Activision Blizzard that was released in May of 2016. While the game has been around for over 5 years, players continue to create amazing new highlights to share with the community. Recently, one fan made a highlight-worthy play as Lucio during a match.

As one of the original heroes found in Overwatch, Lucio has remained a popular pick for many different team compositions. As a support class hero, he provides passive healing for his team. In addition, he can use his Crossfade ability to switch from healing his teammates to giving them a speed boost. This can prove useful for breaking through difficult choke points on the various maps found in the game. In addition, another reason for his popularity is the Wall Ride mechanic that allows skilled gamers to achieve some incredible movement plays during matches. Recently, one player took this high-octane movement technique to the next level.

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In a post on Reddit, a user known as DudeYoureThrowing shared a video from a game of Overwatch. In the clip, they showed an impressive play they pulled off while playing as Lucio. The highlight took place at the Sanctum location on the Nepal Control map as both teams were about to fight after the start of the round.

The Overwatch clip began with the Reddit user riding up the side of one of the walls of the map. By doing this, the player managed to gain height and slip behind the opposing team. With the enemies unaware, the Lucio player waited a brief second for the opponents to approach the edge of an abyss near the objective. When the time was right, they descended from above and used Lucio’s Soundwave ability to knock 3 of the enemy players off the edge.

This incredible highlight shared by DudeYoureThrowing made an impression on many members of the Overwatch community on Reddit. With over 2,800 upvotes in the past few days, many fans commented on the level of skill needed to accomplish the play. In addition, many were impressed that this sneaky route completely caught the opposing team off guard. Others commented that they were excited to try this tactic out the next time they played Overwatch.

This news comes as fans continue to wait for a new update about the status of Overwatch 2. While the release date for that game remains uncertain, at least fans can continue to pull off stunning plays in the original Overwatch in the interim. It will be interesting to see what other highlights players achieve in the months ahead.

Overwatch is now available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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