As Activision Blizzard continues to work on the sequel to Overwatch, fans of the original title have been expressing their appreciation for it artistically. One Overwatch fan's baked recreations of characters such as Junkrat, Orisa, and Roadhog are particularly gaining traction now.

Reddit user Ow_yamyam recently shared their Overwatch cookies, all of which share clear similarities with various characters from the Activision Blizzard title. The baked goods included Ana, Hammond (aka Wrecking Ball), Junkrat, Lucio, McCree, Orissa, various Pachimari, Pharah, Roadhog, Sigma, Torbjorn, Tracer, and a Winston that is actively raging. There are also other notable cookies such as a Junkrat Trap and mine, and McCree's trademark cigar.

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Junkrat's hair is fittingly toasted in Ow_yamyam's cookie recreation of the hero, effectively emulating the character's constantly scorched hair. Although it's made out of cookie, Torbjorn's metallic eyepatch looks like it would chip a tooth in the light. Angry Winston takes up the most space on the cookie tray, dwarfing other creations next to it and seemingly targeting his rage towards the Wrecking Ball mech.


Some Overwatch heroes look identical to these cookies from Ow_yamyam, most notably Lucio, Junkrat, and Torbjorn. Junkrat's trap looks like it's ready to snatch up anyone nearby, while the trap is colored very accurately. The demand for more has reached Ow_yamyam, but the Reddit user hasn't mentioned if they plan to make other game-based cookies in the future or not.

Ow_yamyam's colorful Overwatch cookies look fresh out of the oven, though the flavor of them hasn't been specified. The cookies appear to be sugar cookies that vary in color, so these edible versions of the heroes likely taste similar. Fans of the Overwatch cookies stated that they would like some of their own, but Ow_yamyam hasn't mentioned if they plan on sending any of them away.


One thing that diehard Overwatch fans should note before seeing Ow_yamyam's cookies is they aren't particularly to scale. Some characters are only portrayed as floating heads, while Winston is fully realized and Hammond isn't far from his powerful mech. Considering the controversy behind McCree's name, some fans of Ow_yamyam's cookies have taken to using a McCookie nickname in its place.

These cookies have great detail, and it's easy to distinguish one Overwatch hero from another. Ow_yamyam hasn't posted any information regarding how they made these cookies so that fans could make some of their own. Ow_yamyam is also new to posting content like this to Reddit, but hopefully the positive feedback will inspire more fun posts like this in the future.

Overwatch is available right now for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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Source: Reddit