While Overwatch 2's base maps and game modes aren't as unique as those found in other games (this doesn't include user-generated content), what really gets players into the game are the heroes. There are currently 35 heroes in Overwatch 2, each with their own quirks, personalities, cosmetics, and abilities. The abilities make the game interesting to play, while the personalities of the heroes help breathe life into the world that Activision Blizzard has made for them.

It's a shame then that Overwatch 2 gates a good amount of its heroes behind challenges for new players. Those that are brand-new start with 12 heroes and have to play a certain amount of games to unlock the gated ones. Completing 150 games in total (the number is lessened if players win any games) will unlock 34 out of the 35 heroes; leaving just Kiriko to be unlocked. Though she is currently the most sought-after hero in Overwatch 2, this doesn't necessarily mean she is worth it for all players.

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How Do You Unlock Kiriko?

Kiriko Animated Short

Veteran players who bought the original Overwatch need not worry, as successfully merging Overwatch accounts via Blizzard's Battle.net service will allow them to unlock all the available heroes; Kiriko included. Things are different for newcomers to Overwatch 2 or haven't merged their accounts. These players have 2 options to choose from if they want to get Kiriko. Either they grind their way to level 55 of the free battle pass or fork over 1,000 Overwatch Coins (roughly $10 USD) to unlock Kiriko immediately.

The grindy nature of Overwatch 2's battle pass has caused a lot of controversy with the game's player base, and having Kiriko be unlockable to free-to-play players past the midway point of the battle pass only adds fuel to the fire. This wouldn't matter to those who are planning to play Overwatch 2 for extended periods of time, but a good portion of players don't have enough hours in a day to play the game. This ultimately brings up the concern as to whether Kiriko is a worthwhile character to unlock.

A New Mobile Support Hero

Overwatch 2 Kiriko's Lore Connected to Abilites

Kiriko is definitely worth it for those who like to play as support heroes or just want to complete the hero roster. Her Wall Climb passive will be familiar to players who have tried Hanzo and Genji as it allows her to scale up walls and reach vertical spaces easily. Her Swift Step ability also lets her teleport to nearby allies, even through walls. When combined, these two abilities make Kiriko one of the most evasive (if not the most evasive) support hero in the current Overwatch 2 roster.

Can Kiriko Get The Heals Out?


As a healer, Kiriko's Healing Ofuda and Protection Suzu get the job done. The Healing Ofuda are somewhat similar to Mercy's Caduceus Staff, as they automatically track towards targeted allies and heal them for 13 HP per talisman. Kiriko players need not worry about reloading thier Healing Ofuda as they naturally get replenished over time. What they do need to be careful about is that the ability doesn't heal allies through walls.

The Protection Suzu is arguably the most potent ability in Kiriko's arsenal. In addition to healing allies for 50 HP, friendlies caught in the Suzu's radius are rendered invulnerable for a single second and cleansed of various negative effects. This includes Ana's Biotic Grenade that prevents healing, the burn effects from Ashe's Dynamite, Junker Queen's various abilities that apply the Wound effect, Mei's Blizzard ultimate ability that freezes players, Reinhardt's stunning Earthshatter ultimate, and Sombra's disabling Hack. With the Protection Suzu in her pocket, Kiriko quickly becomes a high-priority target for enemy teams and a VIP for those on her side. She may not pump out the healing as fast as someone like Moira or Mercy, but the ways that she can get her team back in the fight are second to none.

RELATED: Overwatch 2: It Will Take 5 Years to Unlock All of Kiriko's Cosmetics Without Spending Real Money

A Powerful Ultimate That Doesn't Heal Teammates


Speaking of getting back into the fight, players who start using Kiriko will soon realize that her ultimate ability, Kitsune Rush, doesn't heal their team. What Kitsune Rush does instead is provide substantial buffs to their allies' movement and attack speeds as well as shorten the cooldowns of their abilities. While this dampens the effectiveness of Kiriko as a defensive support hero, she is great for turning the tide of battle and allowing her team to push the offensive.

Slow heroes like Reinhardt or those with long ability cooldowns like Baptiste with his Immortality Field benefit the most from Kiriko's ultimate, but everyone in the Kitsune Rush will enjoy the 50% increased fire rate, movement speed, reload time reduction, and 3 times reduced ability cooldown for their heroes. Enemy teams have to play very carefully when a Kitsune Rush is out, as very few can survive an onslaught of overpowered heroes without a strong defensive ultimate like Zenyatta's Transcendence or Lucio's Sound Barrier.

To sum things up, Kiriko is a great new addition to Overwatch 2 and it is worth unlocking her. Most of the $10 USD battle pass's value comes from getting her early, as she is the only unlockable that changes how the game is played. Players looking to invest a good amount of time into Overwatch 2 and don't mind waiting until they reach level 55 of the free battle pass should do so, as they won't have to spend a single cent on the game. Otherwise, those who can't wait to unlock Kiriko can spend that $10 USD with the certainty that the hero they are getting will be a boon to their team. Players will get a kick out of playing her as she adds some much-needed firepower and variety into the support hero role.

Overwatch 2 is out now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Brand-New Overwatch Players in OW2 Will Have to Play Around 100 Matches to Unlock All the OW1 Heroes