It can often be seen as seeking glory in Overwatch 2 to try and score a team kill. Why not just play hard and let team kills happen along the way? It's understandable to question why somebody would want a team kill, but there is a valid reason besides just making the highlight reel to seek it out.

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Killing all or most of the enemy team at the same time is something the pros in Overwatch 2 try to do. The reason is that if they kill one hero at a time, all it takes is one player to muck up an objective. By the time they kill the rest of the team, that initial player has already respawned and is back meddling with the objective again. Getting team kills, or close to team kills, wins games.


Overwatch 2 Team Kill Victory

It must be noted that getting a team kill is very rare, even when accomplished with intention. No guide can promise a team kill. If a Pharah wants to hide in an obscure, out-of-sight place, then killing her with the rest of the squad is unlikely.

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However, even without a guarantee, players can maximize their chances by communicating with the team. Let them know if a hero's ultimate ability is ready. Tell players to get ready and inform them that it's not trying to get a new achievement, wiping the entire enemy team is a great way to being home the win.

Group Team Kills

Overwatch 2 Zarya Catching Tank With Ultimate

Team kills do not mean one player kills the entire team. It means the entire team is dead at the same time, regardless of what happened or how it happened. Therefore, it becomes wise to use combos to make this happen. It takes something of a freak accident otherwise.

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Step one is to get a hero who can set up an entire time to knock down with their ultimate. For those who have unlocked all of the heroes, Zarya is probably the best at this, but Mei, Reinhardt, and Sigma also have some nice area of effect disables.

Then, have somebody use a hero that does massive damage in this area once such a setup occurs. This list can be long, but the best to consider are probably D.Va, Bastion, Hanzo, Junkrat, Pharah, Reaper, Torbjorn, and Moira.

Solo Team Kills

Overwatch 2 Team Kill With Lucio

It is not likely, but it is possible to get an entire team kill with one hero, sometimes with just one move. Lucio has wiped entire teams with a single boop off the edge of a cliff. Roadhog and, to a lesser extent, Winston are capable of doing the same.

Cassidy, Reaper, and Junkrat all have histories of wiping out a team with a single ultimate, though it should be noted that they often have help. Even so, if the team stacks up nicely and isn't quick to react, these heroes don't necessarily require teamwork to make this happen.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch.