Sony has officially released the PlayStation 5’s improved version of the DualSense controller, and for those willing to spend a fair bit of money on the flashy accessory, they will likely be satisfied with the many features that it has to offer. Players can adjust their triggers, swap out sticks for increased comfortability, add a few extra back buttons, and change the analog settings for different games. All of the DualSense Edge benefits can enhance just about any gaming experience, but they truly shine for Overwatch 2 in particular.

Overwatch 2 has some of the best settings options in competitive gaming, with players able to adjust everything from crosshairs to button layouts for individual heroes. Button layout adjustments in particular are one of the key reasons that the DualSense Edge is such a boon for Overwatch 2 players on PlayStation 5, as they can allow player to access certain hero abilities more quickly during the middle of a fight. Though the DualSense Edge may not give players the same advantage they would have by playing on PC, it will absolutely help PS5 users get a leg up on other PlayStation fans.

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How The DualSense Edge Improves The Overwatch 2 Experience

dualsense edge controller playstation 5

The biggest benefit to the DualSense Edge is undoubtedly the back buttons on the controller. Regardless of which design players choose for these two buttons, being able to assign two hero abilities to them is huge. With these buttons located right by where players hold the controller, they can instantly press them to trigger an ability, not moving their hands and causing a delay between actions. For instance, players can move Mercy’s Guardian Angel and the jump button to the back of their controller, making it far easier to have great movement with the hero on console while simultaneously boosting and healing. Her heals and damage boost can also be placed on the back buttons if players find that more comfortable.

Even if players are comfortable with the normal DualSense layout for Overwatch 2, they can benefit from the back buttons. This is because they can place things like the emote wheel or chat access into these slots, letting them quickly emote after a guaranteed Play of the Game or easily access the chat to ask a teammate to switch heroes. Though it makes more sense to use these buttons for movement abilities like Pharah’s flight or game-changing skills like Orisa’s Javelin Spin, players have the freedom to do whatever they want with these slots.

The DaulSense Edge’s stick customization is a great feature for Overwatch 2 heroes like Widowmaker that thrive on accuracy. Players can assign Precise mode to their Overwatch 2 controller profile to make aiming carefully more easily, helping them quickly flick to target’s heads without going too far or not far enough. Alternatively, they can try Dynamic mode for a character they want to be able to aim with well while still having quick camera movement, like Tracer.

One obvious improvement of the DualSense Edge is comfortability. For heroes like Winston or Brigitte where players are constantly holding down the right trigger, having more comfortable triggers is essential. Aside from it feeling better to grip the Edge’s L2 and R2 buttons, players can adjust how deep they go when pressed. While it may feel great to have proper triggers for characters that use guns like Cassidy, heroes like Kiriko can feel better with some quick taps of the button. The back grip is great for making long competitive sessions more comfortable, too.

With stick deadzones and deep trigger customization being DualSense Edge settings, too, Overwatch 2’s PlayStation 5 fan base should seriously consider the controller if they are looking for a competitive edge. Though it is pricey, and will not compensate for a lack of skill, it can certainly help with things like hero movement, quick access to abilities mid-fight, and accuracy. With Overwatch 2’s PvE mode sure to feature abilities that are worth mapping to the back buttons, too, DualSense Edge adopters have a perfect game to use for testing out the device.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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