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Overwatch 2 is finally here, and its free-to-play launch brings a ton of excited fans and some new content changes. One of the significant changes that Overwatch 2 brings is that team sizes have dramatically dropped from 6v6 to 5v5 instead, meaning there is only one Tank on the frontlines. This means players who prefer the Support role may have a more challenging time keeping their team alive against an onslaught of enemy fire.

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Baptiste is one of the best heroes in the small Support category but has the steepest learning curve. He shows that the Support role isn't solely about boosting teammates' health and that support can come in the form of other useful utility abilities like damage-amplifying and death prevention; he can be an absolute powerhouse when played right.

Updated on October 11, 2022: The dozens of playable heroes in Overwatch 2 all differ in their gameplay styles. While most of them are easy to learn, there are some that take serious time to master. For those looking to really get the upper hand when using Baptiste in Overwatch 2, this guide will have everything they need to succeed. This guide has been updated with a section on the best combos with Baptiste and another section on his advantages and counters.

Baptiste's Playstyle In Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2, Baptiste

Not much has changed about Baptiste's playstyle in Overwatch 2, as his abilities have all virtually stayed the same. The main alteration is that all Supports now have the Regeneration passive, which allows them to regain health after being out of combat for a few seconds. This means that Supports now have more sustain and can help their team without having to disappear in search of a health pack.

The main aspect of Baptiste's kit is his Biotic Launcher, as he can use his offensive fire to strike down the enemy team while simultaneously keeping his own alive using his alt-fire. Knowing the proper usage of his abilities is the key to excelling at Baptiste and leading the team to victory.

Baptiste's Abilities

Overwatch 2, Baptiste

Biotic Launcher

Biotic Launcher is Baptiste's weapon, and it has duel potential. The primary fire is a three-round burst gun, his only method of dealing damage. The alt-fire is his primary source of healing for his team, although its fire rate is quite slow. It lobs a healing projectile that heals all allies near its splash impact. Players can use both alt and primary fire simultaneously to maximize their Biotic Launcher.

Exo Boots

Exo Boots is Baptiste's passive perk, allowing him plenty of mobility. When the crouch button is held down, Baptiste will jump higher, which is an excellent way to gain leverage over the enemy team and heal allies from a safe height and distance.

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Immortality Field

Immortality Field is a handy device that can be tossed to protect allies from dying. It can be used in defense against any abilities that are a guaranteed instant death, like Reaper's Death Blossom. Immortality Field can be destroyed, so players should meticulously place it out of enemy sight if they want to avoid it being destroyed prematurely. It will last five seconds without being destroyed and has a long cooldown.

Regenerative Burst

Heals both Baptiste and nearby allies instantly, with additional healing over five seconds. The instant heal is doubled for any allies that have less than half their maximum health. Regenerative Burst can be used at the start of the fight to ensure that teammates are kept alive during engagement.

Amplification Matrix

Amplification Matrix is Baptiste's Ultimate ability. He projects a matrix window that doubles both the damage and healing effect of all allied projectiles. It can be used in a pinch to provide some life-saving healing for allies, or paired well with a Bastion to Reinhardt's Firestrike for some devastating damage to enemies.

Tips And Tricks For Baptiste

Overwatch 2, Baptiste

Baptiste is best played when grouped up with the rest of his team to maximize his abilities, like Immortality Field and his Bionic Grenades for that all-important AoE healing. Players can fire both his primary and alt-fire simultanously to maximize Baptise's kit.

Overwatch 2 focuses on high mobility, so Baptiste should typically be positioned in the center of the team to use his Exo Boots to launch upwards and provide some aerial healing and support. It can also be used as an escape maneuver to get away from enemies by gaining some height.

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The key to playing Baptiste well is to know precisely when to use Immortality Field, as using it correctly can be the difference between triumphing against the enemy team or wiping out from a barrage of enemy ultimate abilities. It is best to wait until a powerful ultimate is used, like D.VA's Self-Destruct, Genji's Dragonblade or Doomfist's Meteor Strike, as a defensive maneuver to protect the team.


Overwatch 2, Baptiste
  • Ana

Ana is potentially one of the best high-healing Supports to pair with Baptiste. Her Biotic Grenade thrown through Amplification Matrix can basically double its healing output. Since they are both long-range healers, they can support the rest of their team from a safe distance.

  • Bastion

Bastion's damage, coupled with Amplification Matrix, can easily shred the solo enemy Tank in mere seconds. It is best to place it directly in front of the friendly Bastion and communicate this Ultimate use effectively to avoid wasting it.

  • Reinhardt

Baptiste synergizes well with shield Tanks, like Reinhardt, as they can lock down areas with Amplification Matrix. Reinhardt now has two charges of Firestrike. Both will deal incredible damage if they pass through Amplification Matrix, and it can easily kill any squishy heroes that walk into its path, like an enemy Support or Tracer.

  • Solider: 76
  • Sojourn

These two gun-wielding heroes pair nicely with Baptiste's Amplification Matrix, which will greatly increase the damage they deal to their opponents. Amplification Matrix should be placed immediately when a friendly Soldier:76 deploys Tactical Visor to guarantee him a kill. Sojourn's Railgun, with her alternate fire, is especially powerful with Amplification Matrix and can easily one-shot a low enemy.

Advantages & Counters

Overwatch 2, Baptiste
  • D.Va
  • Genji
  • Junkrat
  • Zarya

Most of Baptiste's advantages come through his most important and valuable ability, the Immortality Field. This literally life-saving skill can prevent a team wipe if it is placed correctly. It can negate some lethal damage from certain Ultimates and make them obsolete, like D.Va's Self Destruct, Junkrat's Rip-Tire, Genji's Dragonblade, and Zarya's Graviton Surge, to name a few.

  • Pharah

Being a hitscan hero, Baptiste can use his weapon's primary fire to dispatch a floating enemy Pharah. Players should bear in mind this should only be done at medium ranges due to Baptiste's weapon recoil and damage falloff. Amplification Matrix can also be deployed to gun down Pharah and the rest of her team down with ease, especially when coupled with another hitscan hero like Cassidy. Immorality Field can save Baptiste's Team from dying to a Rocket Barrage.

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  • Ana

Ana can be a counter-pick to Baptiste, as she can negate all of his healing for a few crucial seconds with a well-timed Biotic Grenade. She can also spot him using his Exo Boots, and a few quick shots from her Biotic Rifle will easily kill Baptiste.

  • Ashe
  • Widowmaker

Beware when using Exo Boots as it can make Baptiste a high-priority target for DPS heroes like Widowmaker, Ashe, and Hanzo. When Widowmaker uses her Ultimate, Infrasight, she can see the exact locations of the enemy team and see through walls.

This makes Baptiste a prime target for Widowmaker, as she will most likely be targeting supports first. Ashe can destroy Immortality Field without breaking a sweat. She can also send out her Ultimate right at the end of Immortality Field's duration to shred through Baptiste's team.

  • Roadhog

Roadhog does a surprising amount of damage with his combo of Chain Hook, Scrap Gun, and a Melee Attack. This can kill any unprepared Supports, so Baptiste players should be wary of a wandering Roadhog. Roadhog's Ultimate, Whole Hog, has a knockback effect that will push any allies outside Baptiste's Immortality Field. Similarly, his Chain Hook will pull any player outside Immortality Field's protective effects, most likely leading to their death.

  • Sombra

Sombra can easily Hack Baptiste and temporarily shut down all of his abilities. He will be virtually useless as he will no longer be able to protect his allies with Regenerative Burst, Exo Boots, or Immortality Field. Her EMP Ultimate effectively shuts down his Amplification Matrix, and she can also Hack his Immortality Field to take it down.

Overwatch 2 is free-to-play in Early Access on PC, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.