One Piece is an adventure, fantasy series that follows the escapades of Monkey D. Luffy, a boy aspiring to become the Pirate King. His journey is filled with various challenges, but Luffy always proves to be equal to them. A big factor in his success is his devil fruit, which he has improved over time.

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Luffy exemplifies how a person can make the most mundane power into the most exciting. While most of the characters try to improve their strength, a handful of them do not even bother to learn about their powers. This is particularly infuriating when they are bestowed with some of the most overpowered abilities in One Piece.

7 Buggy

Mihawk cuts Buggy into pieces

Buggy is the captain of the Buggy Pirates and one of the Four Emperors of the Sea. A person who has not met Buggy can easily be fooled by his titles, but those who have know that he is one of the weakest characters in the series.

Buggy's role is to provide comic relief, but that doesn't excuse him from ruining a perfectly nice devil fruit. Buggy possesses the Bara Bara no Mi, a paramecia-type devil fruit that allows him to split his body into different parts. This ability makes him invincible against swordsmen, and since there are a massive number of them, Buggy's ability is very valuable.

6 Foxy

Foxy using his devil fruit power

Foxy was the main antagonist of the Long Ring Long Island arc. Foxy was an average character who failed to stand out. He was funny, but there was nothing special about him, so he was quickly forgotten about once the arc ended.

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The best thing about Foxy was his Noro Noro no Mi. It is a paramecia type devil fruit that allows its user to emit Noroma Photons. After making contact with the target, the Noroma Photons slow them down for thirty seconds. This provided Foxy with a huge window of opportunity to potentially land several critical hits. Sadly, due to his shortcomings, Foxy caused this devil fruit to go to waste.

5 Stronger

Doc Q and Stronger from One Piece

Stronger was the horse of Doc Q. The two of them had been companions for a long time. Ironically, Stronger was an extremely weak horse, and he could barely carry a single person on his back. When Blackbeard tried to climb on top of Stronger, Doc Q was worried that his horse might actually collapse.

Stronger did die, although it was due to coming within the range of Blackbeard's attacks. Stronger's time was very limited, so he couldn't properly demonstrate the power of his Uma Uma no Mi, Model: Pegasus. After his death, there is a chance that another character might make better use of the devil fruit.

4 Orochi

Orochi from One Piece

Orochi was one of the most dastardly characters in the series. He was focused on restoring the Kurozumi clan back in power, but he couldn't do so until Oden was still in the country. After the magisterial samurai left, Orochi got a free run, and he made the best of it.

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Oroch possessed the Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Yamata no Orochi. This mythical, zoan-type devil fruit gives him the ability to turn himself into a snake with eight heads. In order to kill its user, the opponent needs to behead them eight times. Considering Orochi had several lives, he could have achieved a lot more.

3 Doc Q

Doc Q's Shiku Shiku no Mi

Doc Q is the captain of the ninth ship of the Blackbeard Pirates, which implies that he is one of the weakest members of the crew. If his status wasn't enough to solidify his lack of strength, then a glimpse at his appearance can easily solve the problem.

Doc Q is a sickly man, who can only move from one place to another with the help of his horse. Doc Q ate the Shiku Shiku no Mi, a paramecia type devil fruit that allows him to create any kind of sickness. So far, Doc Q has not demonstrated an elite level of control over his devil fruit, which earns him a spot on the list.

2 Caesar

Caesar In His Gasous Form

Caesar was introduced during the Punk Hazard arc. He was the first main villain the Straw Hats faced after they entered the New World. Caesar used to be a part of MADS, but he was eventually kicked out due to his illicit experiments.

Caesar possesses the Gasu Gasu no Mi, which belongs to the Logia class. The devil fruit allows Caesar to control gases, and it also turns his body into a gaseous state. The devil fruit is overpowered, as it gives Caesar the power to control other gases around him. He was able to cut off the supply of oxygen in an area, but he only used it once. If the devil fruit had been given to a better fighter, they would have handled it in a much more superior way.

1 Enel

One Piece Enel Kenbunshoku Haki Skypiea

Enel might be the last name fans would expect to be on the list, but there is a perfectly good reason for his inclusion. Enel was considered to be a God by the Skypieans because of his "omniscience." Later on, it was revealed that Enel used the power of his Goro Goro no Mi and combined it with Observation Haki to achieve this feat.

Enel managed to defeat most of the characters during the arc, which seemed very impressive at the time. However, once the concept of Haki was introduced, fans started seeing older villains in a new light. If Enel were to return and join the story, he would be obliterated in the New World. He doesn't have any knowledge of Armament Haki, so he would definitely be among the weaker characters.

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