Like all the early arc chapters, One Piece chapter 1062 provided fans with some very valuable information about specific characters. It has already been established that the Egghead Island arc will focus on the genius scientist, Dr. Vegapunk. In the last few chapters, Oda has been giving fans plenty of details about the scientist, and there is still a lot that they do not know yet.

In One Piece chapter 1062, the main body of Vegapunk ordered Lilith to bring the Straw Hat Pirates to him. This is rather intriguing considering Vegapunk doesn't seem to bother himself with anything that isn't worth his time. Vegapunk's statement means that he wants a possible favor from the Straw Hats, or could it mean something else?

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Connection To Sanji

Sanji Ifrit Jambe

While this may not make sense at first glance, it is easy to overlook the fact that Sanji and Vegapunk are connected through Vinsmoke Judge. Both Judge and Vegapunk were part of MADS, and during their time together they found out about the Lineage Factor. Discovering the Lineage Factor was obviously very important to both of them as it enabled them to further their research.

Vinsmoke Judge used this information to alter the genes of his children and turn them into superhumans. Judge also perfected the process of cloning, and he used it to create hundreds of clones of his children in case they ever needed to be repaired. Judge's scientific brilliance also allowed him to create raid suits, which made his children far superior to any ordinary human.

Seeing one of Judge's kids might make Vegapunk nostalgic. Also, Vegapunk could possibly be interested in Sanji as the latter has Lunarian traits. Vegapunk has also experimented with the Lineage Factor of a Lunarian, and he used it for the creation of the Seraphim, which are the Navy's replacement for the Shichibukai. The second satellite of Vegapunk, Lilith, also seems remarkably similar to Sanji's mom, Vinsmoke Sora, which implies there is some kind of connection between the two.

Mentoring Franky

Franky on Karakuri Island

When the Straw Hats were surrounded by the Navy on Sabaody, they did not know what awaited them. Luckily for them, Bartholomew Kuma intervened and sent all the crew members to different places. Surprisingly, the places weren't random, and it appeared that Kuma wanted to help the crew to become stronger. Luffy was sent to Amazon Lily, Zoro to Kuraigana Island, Sanji to Kamabakka Island, Robin to Tequila Wolf, Usopp to Boin Archipelago, Chopper to the Torino Kingdom, Nami to Weatheria, Brook to Namakura Island and Franky to Karakuri Island. All these islands were chosen by Kuma, and during their stay at these places, they became better at their craft.

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Franky was purposely sent to Karakuri Island, which used to be Vegapunk's home. As fans already know, Franky is the most tech-savvy Straw Hat. On numerous occasions, Franky has shown his intelligence when it comes to creating new inventions. The Thousand Sunny is the perfect example of Franky's creativity. After finding the designs for a giant robot in Vegapunk's laboratory, Franky decided to turn his dream into reality. So, Franky used Vegapunk's blueprints and his own ingenuity to create General Franky. There is no doubt that Franky has improved a lot since the time skip, but there are still certain aspects of his craft where he can improve. So it is possible that this arc will also be pivotal to Franky's character.

Protecting Himself From The World Government

Dr Vegapunk from One Piece

Vegapunk is one of the biggest assets of the World Government. Ever since he started working for them, he has developed several inventions that have helped them to defeat pirates and other criminals. However, it seems the World Government isn't entirely trusting of Vegapunk, which is why they have ordered the CP0 to destroy all of Vegapunk's bodies. In chapter 1062, Lucci, Kaku, and Stussy were seen discussing the mission.

Lucci was quite perplexed to find out that the World Government wanted to get rid of the "most useful man in the world." Before Lucci could ask any more questions, he was stopped in his tracks by his fellow Cipher Pol members. The goal of the three assassins is to destroy all the bodies of Vegapunk and return Bartholomew Kuma's Seraphim to Vegapunk's lab.

Considering the fact that Vegapunk is the smartest person in the world, it is plausible to assume that he might have already caught a whiff of the World Government's plan to assassinate him. So it is possible that he wants the help of the Straw Hats to fend off the CP0.

Previously, Oda mentioned that the truth about devil fruits would be revealed once a certain scientist makes his debut in the series. It is obvious that Oda was talking about Vegapunk as he is extremely knowledgeable about devil fruits, as he even managed to feed devil fruits to inanimate beings. Vegapunk might provide the fans with important information such as how devil fruits came into existence, why certain level fruits have their own will, and why a person can't eat more than one devil fruit, etc. All these questions have been bothering the fans for a long time and in order to get answers, Vegapunk has to live. So, the Straw Hats will have to save Vegapunk from the assassins. It will be interesting to see who finds Vgeapunk's main body first, the pirates or CP0.

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