At last, One Piece is entering the final saga, which means that every event that takes place during this time will affect the balance of the world. In the last few chapters, Oda has divulged a great deal of information pertaining to some of the most mysterious characters in One Piece. The first arc in the final saga is the Egghead Island arc. The Straw Hats finally made their way to the island after battling extreme climate conditions.

The crew has always been on the radar of the World Government, and they have clashed with one of the Cipher Pols in the past. In the Wano Country arc, the World Government sent its most capable assassins to capture Monkey D. Luffy and Nico Robin. These assassins belonged to the infamous CP0, but they failed in their attempt. However, it is obvious that it won't be the last that the Straw Hats see of CP0.

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Who Is CPO?

Lucci Kaku Stussy together

CP0 is also known as Cipher Pol Aigis Zero. It is the strongest Cipher Pol division that is directly under the control of the Celestial Dragons. CP0 is feared throughout the world, and they are easily recognizable because of their white clothes. CP0 has been enrolled in many significant events in the story so far.

They made their first appearance in the Dressrosa arc and since then they have continued to appear in different arcs. As they directly serve the Celestial Dragons, the members of CP0 tend to hold information about many sensitive subjects. This information is not available to other people, and needless to say, not every CP0 member has access to it either. It has been established that there is a hierarchy within CP0 as the masked members of the organization are considered to be more powerful and are sent to accomplish more sensitive missions.

What Is Their Role?

One Piece Rob Lucci Now A Part of CP-0

The role of CP0 in the story is mainly to ensure that the secrets of the World Government remain intact and to eliminate anyone who poses a threat to their authority. The members of CP0 are no strangers to using underhanded means to accomplish a goal. They were heavily involved in the Wano Country arc as the Five Elders wanted Nico Robin eliminated, but their focus changed to Luffy. The Five Elders admitted that they had not envisioned that Luffy would become such a threat.

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They disclosed that Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Mi is not a paramecia-type devil fruit. The real name of the devil fruit is Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika, and it is a mythical zoan type devil fruit. According to the Five Elders, the devil fruit seemed to have been avoiding the World Government and if the devil fruit was awakened, it would cause many problems for them. So the Five Elders ordered the CP0 members to assassinate Luffy. The attempt ended in failure, and it backfired as Luffy was able to awaken the devil fruit and defeat Kaido.

Rivalry With SWORD

CP0 One Piece 1067

CP0 hold themselves in very high regard, which is why they treat the Marines or any other World Government officials with disdain. CP0 is hailed as a great organization that serves justice to the people, but that didn't be further from the truth. They are faithful only to the Celestial Dragons, and they do not care about the well-being of any other person. By contrast, the Marines could be considered the true upholders of justice as they have defended the world from many notorious pirates. However, they have also been involved in many cruel events in the past. The real rival of CP0 is SWORD, a secret organization within the Marines. The rivalry between the two is supported by several strings of evidence.

It seems that the word has been inspired by the ancient Greek word, Aegis, which is a shield associated with Zeus and his daughter, Athena. Another way of looking at it would be that the Celestial Dragons are considered "gods" and CP0 is their shield. The secret group of the Marines is called SWORD, and it is headed by X-Drake. SWORD was created to monitor the moves of the Four Emperors, but it would be naive to assume that it is their only goal. The names of the two organizations point to the obvious difference between them. In addition to this, Oda has also stated that the two are each other's enemies. This is certainly an interesting statement considering both of them are affiliated with the World Government. It implies that SWORD has other goals as well, which probably do not align with the interests of the World Government, which is possibly why they are enemies.

In One Piece chapter 1062, it was revealed that Lucci and co. were given the order to take out all six bodies of Dr. Vegapunk. The order was so bizarre that even Rob Lucci, a loyalist, questioned it, but he was stopped by Stussy and Kaku. In addition to eliminating the six bodies of Vegapunk, the World Government has also ordered Lucci's team to return Bartholomew Kumar's Seraphim back to Vegapunk's laboratory on Egghead Island. The next few chapters will be very interesting as the CP0 will have to face the Straw Hats, Bonney, and all the Vegapunks.

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