One Piece by Eichiro Oda is a popular anime with currently over a thousand episodes to its name. The One Piece world is filled with many facts and mysteries. To show its degree on this scale, even now, the main character's dream, Luffy, is unknown to viewers. The mysteries and excitement encourage most fans to keep up with the anime.

RELATED: One Piece: Devil Fruits That Have Not Been Introduced Yet

Besides that, it offers an amazing pirating world with adventures. In this pirating world, devil fruits are spread, each with uniqueness. They are of three categories, namely Logia, Paramecia, and Zoan. Each of them, with their specialties, helps individuals who eat them to gain an ability along with the curse of the fruit, losing the ability to swim.

10 Awakening

Doflamingo Talking About Awakening

In addition to the superhuman qualities that devil fruits offer, there is another level to their uniqueness. Although a devil fruit user has a specific power given by the fruit eaten, they have an extraordinary level known as awakening. With awakening, the devil fruit power unlocks a will of its own and transforms to represent the fruits' elements.

The mind and the body of a user catch up to the fruit's powers, allowing them to express their power differently. Not all devil fruit users can awaken their devil fruit, as a select few have only achieved this feature in the series. Each category of devil fruits awakens in different ways. However, it is worth noting that a logia-type devil fruit has never been awoken in the One Piece world.

9 Products Of Devil Fruits Underwater

Law Using His Room Ability

As a matter of fact, devil fruit users drown underwater. However, seawater does not affect the effects of the exercise of a devil fruit power. For example, Law could still use his Room ability in his submarine even though he and his crew were underwater.

This emphasizes the point that the effect of a devil fruit user's power is underwater; as long as the user himself is not in contact with seawater, the effects of his powers are not affected by being in contact with the water.

8 Inanimate Objects Can Have Devil Fruit Powers

Mr.4's Dog Is An Inanimate Object With A Devil Fruit

Dr. Vegapunk came up with a way to make inanimate objects possess devil fruit powers. However, the details of this experiment are unknown. Ideally, in the series, humans eat devil fruits and obtain the power the fruit possesses.

However, in two instances, inanimate objects have 'eaten' devil fruits and obtained the power in them. An example was when Mr. 4's gun, Lasso, absorbed the Mutt Mutt devil fruit, a Zoan-type fruit. Another object with a devil fruit power is Funkfreed which ate the Elephant-Elephant Zoan fruit. Some fans suggest that this ability may only be available to inanimate objects that absorb Zoan-type fruits, not a Paramecia or Logia model.

7 Possessing More Than One Devil Fruit

Blackbeard in possession of two devil fruits

When a devil fruit user eats a fruit, it is assumed that he possesses the power of that fruit and cannot possess another. This fact was disputed when Blackbeard, a former member of the Whitebeard pirates, possessed two. Before Whitebeard died, he owned the Dark-Dark fruit; however, after his (Whitebeard's) death, Blackbeard, through unknown means, claimed the Quake-Quake fruit and became in possession of two.

Some fans believe this may not be achievable by other characters, and this is because Blackbeard may have two souls in him; his and Rocks. This fact remains unknown for now.

6 Fishman And Devil Fruits

Jack A Member Of The Beast Pirates Drowning

Devil fruits are known to have the ability to deprive a user of their ability to swim permanently. In this case, although the fishman's habitat is primarily underwater, most fans have been intrigued by the idea of a fishman having a devil fruit so they could see what happens if they fall into seawater. Jack survived an attack from Zunesha, which sent him underwater.

This is because he is a fishman famous for their to breathe underwater. However, his movement was restricted due to the curse of the devil fruit he ate. Therefore, fishmen that possess devil fruits also lose their abilities to swim but can breathe underwater.

5 Devil Fruits Appear Randomly

Devil Fruits Falling

So far, based on the series, when a devil fruit user dies, their fruits appear in random locations. Contrary to some opinions some fans may have about this, devil fruits respawn in different places, and so far, there is no one in the series that can predict where a fruit will appear after the death of its former user.

RELATED: One Piece: Devil Fruit Users That Have Died

Some fans believe Blackbeard may have had a way to locate them; however, this information is not confirmed, and it is suggested that Blackbeard has this information based on the networking in the pirate world.

4 Haki Can Equal Devil Fruits

Whitebeard and Roger fighting with Haki

Before the war at Marineford, Haki did not play a dominant role in the One Piece world. Pirates and the Marines generally fought each other with skill or devil fruits. However, after the war to save Ace at Marineford, Haki successfully integrated into the series.

Now, it serves as a worthy opposition to the power of devil fruits. With their 'invisible' powers of not being affected by attacks, Logia users can be attacked with Haki. Also, now with this development, non-devil fruit users serve as worthy opponents to fruit users.

3 Artificial Devil Fruits

One Piece smile devil fruit users

Originally, devil fruits were the only things that could give an individual some form of superhuman power. However, fans were introduced to artificially created devil fruits that offer this same power or something close to it. Dr. Vegapunk created the first artificial fruit that offers a user the power devil fruits do.

Additionally, Caesar Clown developed Vegapunk's idea and created artificial Zoan-type fruits known as SMILE, offering a 10% chance of working. In terms of identification, artificial fruits have a circular pattern compared to the authentic look devil fruits have.

2 Strength In Rarity

luffy eating the devil fruit

One thing the One Piece world has shown about devil fruits is that the rarer a fruit, the higher the likelihood of it possessing a strong power. These fruits offer superiority and inferiority in power, which increases the quest for these fruits.

RELATED: One Piece: Strongest Devil Fruits In The Manga

However, there is no way to tell if a user of rare superior fruit will come out on top in a battle with an inferior fruit. This all depends on the user's strength and ability to master the fruit. One thing is sure; rare devil fruits offer rarer abilities.

1 Devil Fruits Need To Be Mastered

Luffy Training With Rayleigh To Master Haki

A user does not automatically gain strength on the consumption of a fruit. Devil fruit users need to train and understand their abilities to know the techniques they can use. A user that fails to do this will be unable to use their power to the maximum. Depending on the user, it may take seconds to master a fruit; with some, it may take years.

Mastery also relates to a user's stamina; if a fruit user becomes tired, they would not be able to use their power efficiently and need to rest to gain their strength back.

MORE: One Piece: Devil Fruits That Have Had Different Users