The world of One Piece is a complex and dynamic universe featuring various factions vying for power and control. Among them is the World Government, a dominant entity that dominates vast territories through institutions like the Marines and Cipher Pol. While the government claims to maintain order and protect citizens, its dark side is deeply ingrained within its system, which includes a slew of morally dubious practices.

While putting on a show of justice, power, and control, they engage in various oppressive and manipulative behaviors that cast a shadow over their operations.

From corruption and discrimination to misinforming the public, the World Government's dark side reflects a deeply rooted tyranny that disregards its subjects' well-being and rights. The order thrives on self-interest, often at the expense of the innocent and voiceless. The dark side of the World Government encompasses several key aspects that portray its morally questionable practices and its negative impact in the One Piece series.


Things One Piece Does Better Than Most Other Shonen Anime

Deep-Rooted Corruption

One Piece Im World Government Empty Throne Five Elders

While the government claims to maintain order and protect citizens, its methods often involve authoritarianism and suppression of dissent. The tyrannical rule of the World Government treads down to the corruption deeply ingrained within the system. The character of Donquixote Doflamingo exemplifies the corrupt practices within the World Government. He was a former Warlord of the Sea who exploited his position to engage in illicit activities, including weapons trading and puppeteering nations, for his benefit while enjoying the government's protection in a flimsy role as the warlord of the sea.

The World Government actively suppresses knowledge of the Void Century and manipulates historical records to maintain its hold on power. By controlling the narrative and fabricating history, they ensure that the truth remains hidden, perpetuating a false sense of legitimacy and authority. This corruption extends to cover-ups, as seen in the government's efforts to hide the truth about the Void Century and maintain a fabricated history to suit their interests. The Ohara incident is a significant example of the World Government's corrupt practices. The government ruthlessly destroyed the island of Ohara and its scholars to suppress their research on the Void Century. They eliminated any evidence that could challenge their authority and perpetuated a fabricated history to serve their interests.


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Discrimination and Prejudice

Celestial Dragons

The World Government promotes discrimination and prejudice against certain races and groups. Fishmen and merfolk, for example, face systemic discrimination, with their rights being denied and their communities oppressed. This discrimination reflects the deep-seated prejudice within the World Government, perpetuating a hierarchy that values certain races over others. This exploitation is evident in the likes of the Celestial Dragons, who exert their authority to exploit and abuse those beneath them. The existence of the black market, where certain races are sold to the highest bidder, with the knowledge of the World Government and the involvement of the Celestial Dragons, deeply portrays the abuse of power and authority. The Straw Hat pirates paid dearly for stopping this act of slave trade in Sabaody Archipelago, and even though they were on the right hand of justice, they were targeted as enemies by the Marines.

The Existence of Shadow Agents (Cipher Pol)

One Piece CP0 Cipher Pol Aigis Zero

The existence of Cipher Pol within the World Government serves as a tenet of corruption, further highlighting the morally questionable practices and abuse of power within the governing body. Cipher Pol's actions and methods exemplify the extent to which the World Government is willing to maintain control and protect its interests. The shadow agents operate with a high level of autonomy and minimal oversight, which creates a breeding ground for corruption. They are granted significant power and authority, allowing them to carry out secret missions and engage in morally dubious activities without facing the consequences of their actions.

An instance where the shadow agents ruthlessly carry out their mission is during the capture of Nico Robin, and the attempt to assassinate Iceburg showcases their ruthlessness. They are ready to eliminate anyone who stands in their way, completely disregarding the common people. They vow to protect all under the guise of preserving order and protecting the government's secrets. The Cipher Pol activities also center on protecting the interest of the corrupt and power-hungry Celestial Dragons, protecting their interests and furthering the inequality and corruption within the World Government. They assist in the subjugation and oppression of the fishmen and merfolk, protecting the privileged position of the Celestial Dragons and ensuring the continuation of an unjust system.

It's worth noting that not all members of the World Government are inherently evil or corrupt. Some individuals within the Marines, like Smoker, Fujitora, and Vice Admiral Grap strive for justice and question the government's actions. Ultimately, the dark side of the World Government in One Piece serves as a cautionary tale, reminding people of the dangers of unchecked power, discrimination, and corruption and inspiring us to strive for a more just and compassionate society.


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