The Straw Hat Pirates are among the most powerful pirate crews in One Piece. The crew is led by Monkey D. Luffy, who is a member of the Worst Generation. Over the years in One Piece, the Straw Hats have recruited many strong fighters in their crew.

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During the Dressrosa arc, Doflamingo was taken down by Luffy and a lot of things changed. The pirates who helped the Straw Hats to beat the Donquixote Family and free Dressrosa swore their allegiance to Luffy. This resulted in the formation of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Currently, the Straw Hat Grand Fleet has seven different crews that are led by different captains.

7 Leo

Leo using his devil fruit

Leo serves as the captain of the fifth ship of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. He is a dwarf, with great physical strength. Leo served as the leader of the Tontatta Corps and towards the end of the Dressrosa arc, he changed the name to Tontatta Pirates.

Leo possesses the Nui Nui no Mi, which is a paramecia type devil fruit that allows him to stitch and un-stitch things. The stitches from the devil fruit are sturdy and can easily hold down an adult human. He carries needles to stitch objects and he also uses them as swords.

6 Orlumbus

Orlumbus fighting in the Coliseum

Orlumbus is the admiral of the Yonta Maria Grand Fleet, and the fleet consists of over 4000 sailors. He came to Dressrosa to try his luck at winning the Mera Mera no Mi. However, he was unable to win the competition.

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Orlumbus helped Roronoa Zoro to slice Pica's giant stone statue. Orlumbus does not have any devil fruit power nor has he been shown using any form of Haki. Orlumbus is the captain of the seventh ship of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.

5 Hajrudin​​​​

One Piece Hajrudin beats Machvise

Hajrudin is the captain of the New Giant Warrior Pirates. He used to serve in Buggy's Pirate Dispatch Society, but he left the group. Hajrudin is a giant from Elbaf and he came to Dressrosa to win the Mera Mera no Mi, which would have allowed him to become the King of the Giants.

His immense strength allows him to pummel huge objects with relative ease. Hajrudin also has a high tolerance to pain as he was to withstand multiple attacks from Machvise. After Doflamingo's defeat, Hajrudin allied himself with the Straw Hats and became the captain of the sixth ship.

4 Ideo

Ideo from One Piece

​​​​A talented martial artist, Ideo is the leader of the Ideo Pirates. He has allied himself with the Straw Hats and is the captain of the fourth ship of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Ideo has won the New World Central Fighting Tournament twice, which proves his immense skill as a fighter.

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Ideo is a member of the Longarm tribe, and it grants him several advantages in fights. His punches are so strong that he was able to throw Hajrudin's unconscious body out of the fighting area without any problems. He was also able to fight toe-to-toe against Don Sai.

3 Sai

Don Sai getting ready to attack

Sai came to Dressrosa with the intention of winning the Mera Mera no Mi at the Corrida Coliseum. However, a lot of things changed for him during the arc. He rebelled against his grandfather, Don Chinjao, and then he ended up marrying Baby 5. Also, Sai pledged his fealty to the Straw Hat Pirates and ended up becoming the captain of the third ship.

Currently, Sai is the 13th leader of the Hapoo Navy. As a member of the Chinjao Family, Sai is able to use Hasshoken. The vibration-based attacks allowed him to defeat Lao G. Furthermore, Sai is able to use both Armament and Observation Haki.​Haki

2 Bartolomew

Bartolomew using his devil fruit

Bartolomew is the captain of the Second Ship of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. He leads the Barto Club, and he is a Super Rookie. Bartolomew is a huge fan of the Straw Hat Pirates and treats all of them as his heroes. The rest of the Barto Club shares his enthusiasm regarding the Straw Hats.

Bartolomew possesses the Bari Bari no Mi, which is a paramecia type devil fruit. The devil fruit allows its user to form barriers that stop all kinds of attacks from harming the user. With his devil fruit ability, Bartholomew was easily able to overwhelm everyone present in Corrida Coliseum. During the Dressrosa arc, Bartolomew was able to defeat Gladius with just a single punch that was covered with one of his barriers.

1 Cavendish

Cavendish One Piece

Cavendish is a Super Rookie, who is the leader of the Beautiful Pirates. He is the captain of the first ship of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Formerly a prince, Cavendish turned to pirating when he was chased out of his kingdom by the people. He loathes the Worst Generation because they stole all the spotlight from him.

As a pirate, Cavendish gained a lot of attention throughout the world. He is able to use Armament and Observation Haki. Cavendish is an expert swordsman, who has shown that he can defeat strong opponents. He wields Durandal, which is a named sword. He has an alter ego known as Hakuba, that takes over every time he falls asleep. As Hakuba, his speed increases by several folds, which makes it very difficult to fight against him.

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