The final words of Gol D. Roger started a new era of pirating and led to a surge in the number of pirates throughout the world of One Piece. With a significant increase in the number of pirates, the Marines were faced with an enormous task.

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Many years after Roger's death, the Red-Hair Pirates had become one of the biggest and strongest pirate crews in the world. The crew, led by Shanks, became a major threat for the World Government. So far, the crew has only played a role in the Marineford arc. Not much is known about the crew, but it is clear that the Red Hair Pirates are among the most powerful crews in One Piece. They have several strong fighters, and are considered to be the most balanced pirate crew in the world. Here's what we know about its members.

5 Rockstar

Rockstar on Whitebeard's ship

Rockstar made his first appearance when he was sent to deliver a letter to Whitebeard. At the time, he was a rookie who had just joined the Red Hair Pirates. Rockstar is one of the two members whose bounty has been revealed, the other being Shanks. His clocks in at 94,000,000 berries, and it might increase as the series goes on.

A rookie with such a high bounty gives a good idea of the crew's capabilities. It is plausible to assume that veterans of the Red Hair Pirates have bounties close to a billion berries.

4 Benn Beckman

Benn Beckman pointing his gun

Ben Beckman is the first mate of the Red Hair Pirates, which puts him second only to Shanks in terms of authority and power. Originally from North Blue, Ben Beckman joined the crew very early on and became one of its key members. He possesses a great deal of intellect and boasts one of the highest IQs in the series. In fact, he has the highest IQ among the characters introduced in the East Blue Saga.

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Ben Beckman is a calm and collected individual, the complete opposite of Shanks. During the Marineford arc, Ben Beckman was able to sneak up behind Kizaru and temporarily prevented the latter from attacking a retreating Jimbei, who was carrying Luffy. Ben Beckman's fighting style remains unknown, but he has been seen carrying a flintlock.

3 Yasopp

Yasopp of the Red Hair Pirates

Yasopp is the father of Usopp, who is a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. He made a name for himself and eventually attracted the attention of Shanks, who personally sought him out. After being recruited by Shanks, Yasopp's fame only continued to increase.

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Yasopp is among the most talented marksmen in the series, and very few can boast the same skill as him. Yasopp's skills with his weapon make him an incredibly dangerous opponent, and he has displayed his immense marksmanship on a couple of occasions. Yasopp is known for shooting the antennae of an ant from a hundred feet away, and in a filler episode, Yasopp managed to defeat Daddy Masterson, one of the best snipers in the Marines, with relative ease. According to Luffy, he has never seen Yasopp miss a shot, which is another testament to his skills.

2 Lucky Roux

Lucky Roux with a barrel and a chunk of meat

Like Yasopp and Ben Beckman, Lucky Roux is among the top officers of the Red Hair Pirates. As a high-ranking officer on an Emperor's crew, Lucky Roux is probably a very strong fighter. He has been sailing with Shanks for a long time and he has earned the trust of his Chief.

There is not much available information about Lucky Roux or his abilities, but it is fair to assume that he is a big threat to the World Government. A lot of theorists have come up with the idea of Lucky Roux having a devil fruit whose power is related to time; however, it has not been confirmed. However, it has been revealed that Lucky Roux was the one who stole the Gomu Gomu no Mi from a Marine ship, which was later eaten by Monkey D. Luffy.

1 Shanks

One Piece - Shanks with the Straw Hat

Shanks is the captain of the Red Hair Pirates and quite obviously the strongest of the bunch. Before becoming a big-name pirate, he served as an apprentice to Gol D. Roger. Roger entrusted his Straw Hat to Shanks, which signifies that he held the latter in very high regard. After Roger's execution, Shanks started his own pirate crew and invited Buggy to join him, though Buggy declined the offer.

After gathering his crewmates, Shanks set out to make a name for himself, and slowly but steadily became one of the most feared pirates in the world. Shanks has incredibly strong Haki, which has been praised by Whitebeard, a rival of Gol D. Roger. He is also a very talented swordsman, and he used to be rivals with Dracule Mihawk, however, after Shanks lost his arm Mihawk stopped pursuing him.

Despite being the youngest of all the Four Emperors, he has earned the admiration of his enemies, such as Sengoku, Whitebeard. Shanks remains an enigmatic character as he's able to enter Mary Geoise, the stronghold of the World Government, without any trouble. Shanks has a bounty of 4,048,900,000 berries, one of the highest bounties in the series. He is yet to show off his true power, but it won't be long before the fans are given the opportunity to see his real strength.

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