One Piece recently dropped its 1050th chapter that focused on the aftermath of Luffy's fight against Kaido. After landing an incredibly audacious attack on the Yonko, Luffy was able to send him crashing down into the ground. The force behind the punch proved to be so tremendous that Kaido completely passed out and went kilometers under the ground. With this week's chapter, Eiichiro Oda, the author of One Piece, finally put an end to the ongoing Fire Festival as all the Sky Boats finally crowded the skies above the Flower Capital, bringing a close to their one day of freedom.

At the same time, the majority of the chapter focused on the events all over Onigashima following Kaido's defeat and the landing of the island, thanks to Momonosuke's powers. With that, Oda is now heading towards the end of the arc revelations which will soon start taking over the majority of the content in the next few chapters.

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The Fate Of Big Mom And Kaido

One Piece 1050 Luffy Beat Kaido

Perhaps the most intriguing part of One piece chapter 1050 was the opening scene which showed Kaido go deeper into the ground and slowly transform back into his human form after being knocked unconscious by Luffy's Bajrang Gun. Luffy's attack created a hole just as deep as Law's Puncture Wille, and sent Kaido to the same spot where Big Mom was.

Surprisingly, Oda made Kaido and Big Mom both land in a giant pool of magma under Wano Country in what appeared to be an underwater volcano. By the looks of it, both Kaido and Big Mom are going to be severely damaged and potentially even dead. Judging by the silhouette, it is entirely possible that Oda just killed off two of the Four Emperors of the Sea, however, nothing is certain just yet. Towards the latter half of the chapter, the volcano ended up erupting and most certainly threw Kaido and Big Mom both out of Wano Country for good. Whether the two will be dead or be captured by the Marines, or meet some other fate remains to be seen.

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Regardless of whether Kaido and Big Mom are dead or not, Oda seems to have wrapped up their story arcs for good, meaning that they won't play an active part in One Piece's next arc, at the very least. On the other hand side, Luffy was caught by Yamato and immediately bandaged up which was met by the alliance letting out a massive roar of victory shortly afterwards.

With Nekomamushi announcing Luffy's victory moments after, the narrator changed the previous result from Kaido's victory to Luffy's, and finally wrapped up the biggest battle in One Piece's history so far. In the Fire Capital, fans saw the wishes of the people finally come true, and to cap off the festival Toko sent a tribute to one of the major sparks of the rebellion, her father, Yasuie.

The Borders Of Wano Remain Sealed

One Piece 1050 New Shogun

Other the Kaido's fall and the celebration around Wano Country, the chapter also dropped some key information surrounding Momonosuke and the borders of Wano. From as early as the Zou arc, fans saw the Scabbards of Kozuki Oden on a mission to open Wano's borders. The Wano Country arc only made this more apparent by repeatedly focusing on its importance not just to the country but the world as a whole. With Kaido finally having fallen and Orochi having been decapitated, nobody stands in Momonosuke's way to opening the borders of Wano country.

However, after giving it a thought, Momonosuke concludes that it is not yet time to open the borders and he conveys the message to Zunesha. Whether Momonosuke will stick to his decision or change it later remains to be seen, however, what's also interesting is that he seems to have perfect control over his Devil Fruit powers now. Immediately after, Momonosuke announced Kaido's defeat to the people of Wano and transformed into his human form. Fans have yet to see his human form which Shinobu heavily alluded to as being similar to Kozuki Oden previously. With Momonosuke came his sister Hiyori, and Denjiro, along with the other members of the Akazaya Samurai, heralding the era of the new Shogun of Wano. Evidently, The Wano Country arc is close to its end now and the next few chapters will likely see the new Shogun of Wano being crowned.

At the same time, fans will also likely see some great moments such as the reunion of Momonosuke and Hiyori, the aftermath of the war where the injured are finally treated, and most importantly, the great delivery of exposition from Oda about the One Piece and the many Poneglyphs that the Straw Hat Pirates have now amassed. One Piece 1050 did a fantastic job at finishing off the era of two Yonko for good and bringing forward a new era that the people of Wano were waiting 20 years for. While not the most intense chapter, One Piece 1050 did a great job at closing off the war and finally moving on towards the post-war revelations that Oda will slowly delve deeper into, starting the next chapter.

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