The Logia type of Devil Fruits are known to be one of the three major Devil Fruit types. These Devil fruits are said to be extremely rare and only a handful of them have been introduced in the story so far. Out of the three Devil Fruit types, the Logia types have been the fewest so far. It is also believed that the Logia type of Devil Fruits are the strongest of all, rivaled only by a handful, mostly the Mythical Zoans, which are known to be even rarer.

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Even then, the vast majority of the Logia type of Devil Fruits are exceptionally powerful. One Piece has recently introduced the concept of Awakening and, with it being the ultimate form of Devil Fruit powers, it is only a matter of time before fans see the awakening of a Logia type of Devil Fruit as well.

What Is Devil Fruit Awakening?

Gear 5 nika luffy doflamingo one piece

In the Dressrosa arc of One Piece, fans were introduced to the concept of Awakening for the very first time when Luffy was fighting against Doflamingo. When the warlord had his back against the wall, he revealed his ultimate trump card and that was Devil Fruit Awakening. Doflamingo went on to mention that Devil Fruits can be taken beyond their limitations and doing this grants the user an additional layer of power. At that time, Luffy did not really understand what an Awakening truly was. However, fans could see through Doflamingo that his Devil Fruit awakening allowed him to turn his immediate surroundings into strings, which was the power exhibited by his Devil Fruit.

Despite being a Paramecia user, Doflamingo was able to alter his surroundings. Later on, in the Whole Cake Island arc, Charlotte Katakuri also displayed a similar Awakening where he turned his immediate surroundings into mochi, despite being a Paramecia type. In Wano, fans finally learned what Awakening truly was. After Luffy lost his battle against Kaido and died, his Devil Fruit ended up awakening. Soon, he started fighting Kaido once again and the Yonko then explained that Devil Fruit Awakening is what happens when the mind of the user catches up with their abilities. Thus, to awaken a Devil Fruit, the mind and the body of the user need to be in synchronization. Once that perfect balance is attained and the mind catches up with what the ability can do, a Devil Fruit is finally awakened.

What Could Logia Awakening Be?

One Piece Aokiji Akainu

The Awakening of Logia type of Devil Fruits has not been seen in the story yet. Fans have already seen Paramecia awakenings, starting with Doflamingo's Ito Ito no Mi. In the Paramecia types, Awakening allows the user to transfer their powers to their immediate surroundings. Doflamingo being able to transfer his string powers to the earth he walked on or the buildings that he touched was a sign of Awakening being used. Katakuri displayed powers that were somewhat similar.

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Meanwhile, in the Zoan types, Awakening usually brings out a completely new transformation. This was mentioned first by Kaido during his fight against Luffy. According to him, physical transformations are an indication of a Zoan-type Awakening. In the Egghead Island arc, fans saw both Lucci and Kaku, members of the CP0, use their Awakenings during their fights against Luffy and Zoro. Based on these two Awakenings, fans can figure out what Logia Awakenings could be like as well.

There are quite a few users of Logia Devil Fruits in One Piece and none of them have displayed the power of awakening just yet. Interestingly, quite a lot of these characters are top tiers and are sure to have Awakened their fruits. As such, it is only a matter of time before fans get to see what a Logia-type of Awakening truly does.

While the true power of a Logia Awakening has not been explicitly mentioned by Oda just yet, fans might have already seen a demonstration of it in the series. This demonstration could have come from the former Marine Admiral Aokiji and the current fleet Admiral, Akainu. Both of these powerhouses were Admirals before the timeskip in One Piece and fought in the Paramount war together against the Whitebeard Pirates and their allies. During the timeskip, however, these two went on to clash against each other on the island of Punk Hazard and the winner went on to become the fleet Admiral. As fans know, Sakazuki ended up winning this fight. However, he did not do so before destroying half of the island, while his rival ended up destroying the other half.

Even a year after their fight, the atmosphere of Punk Hazard remained completely changed. Half of the island became a volcanic land filled with molten lava and incredibly hot temperatures. The other half, on the other hand, became ice cold and froze forever. This very fight could be the first time a Logia Awakening was used in One Piece. Given the fact that they were able to permanently change the atmosphere and the surroundings of Punk Hazard, it could be a sign of Devil Fruit Awakening. As such, it can be inferred that a Logia type of Devil Fruit Awakening is one that allows the user to not just spread their powers to the surroundings temporarily but change them permanently. This can further be backed up by analyzing the Devil Fruit of Charlotte Katakuri, one of the Sweet Generals of the Big Mom Pirates.

As fans know, Katakuri did not just have any Paramecia type of Devil Fruit. Instead, he had a Special Paramecia, which is essentially a Paramecia type exhibiting the properties of Logia somehow. Given that his abilities are so close to that of a Logia type, and the fact that his Awakening allowed him to permanently change the state of being of any object that he touched, it can be easily inferred that the Logia Awakenings work. Similarly, what Akainu and Aokiji did on Punk Hazard was truly a sign of Awakening as well.

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