One Piece chapter 1084 dropped recently and, much to the surprise of the fans, the author of the story, Oda, dove deep into the history of the Nefertari Family. This family has been central to the Arabasta arc of the story and has not come into play since, however, fans know that it has great significance attached to it, given that they have ties to the Void Century and the Celestial Dragons.

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One Piece 1085 explored that connection to the fullest when Cobra met with the Five Elders and, needless to say, this family just got more interesting than ever before. With their ancient monarchs and family history now being revealed, this family is sure to play a key role in the final Saga of One Piece, which is well and truly underway. Fans already know a lot about the Nefertari Family and, from here onwards, Oda might reveal even more details about this mysterious yet extremely important group.

Queen Lily Of Arabasta

Nefertari lili cobra one piece chapter 1084

Fans were eagerly waiting for Cobra's meeting with the Five Elders and it had been teased for quite a long time, dating before the Egghead arc. After a long wait, Oda finally gave a glimpse of this event of monumental proportions to the fans and it is safe to say that it did not disappoint in any way. Once Cobra met with the Five Elders, he made it pretty clear that the ancient texts in Arabasta have a record of the history from even 800 years ago and before that. That is precisely how Cobra knew that Queen Lily used to rule the land of Arabasta 800 years ago and that the Kingdom was actually a Queendom at the time.

It is abundantly clear to the fans that a war was fought during the Void Century and the Ancient Kingdom and their allies lost this war. What role exactly the Nefertari Family played in this war remains to be seen, however, what fans do now is that at the end of the war, the World Government was created by 20 monarchs who then swore to not vie for extra power over one another. What's more, to prove their equality, they put the weapons in front of the Empty Throne, which was to be a symbol of sorts. Despite being one of the 20 Monarchs, Queen Lily was not one of the people who took this oath as she believed that she needed to return to the land of Arabasta and continue her rule.

As such, she did not place her weapon in front of the Empty Throne. Instead, she decided to go down to continue her rule, however, she never made it back to Arabasta and there are no records of her following her visit to Marijoa. The lack of records is a clear implication that her rule stopped there and that she died. After her demise, her brother took up her duties and, thus, Arabasta became a Kingdom.

The Letter Of Queen Lily

Cobra one piece

According to Cobra, this was quite suspicious and he asked the Five Elders why this was the case. Cobra wanted to know what exactly happened to Queen Lily since her sudden disappearance and the vanishing of her mentions from the history of Arabasta was rather bizarre. This was one of the biggest reasons why he came to the Reverie as he believed that they would have the answers that he was looking for, however, little did he know that they would be of no use. As expected, the Gorosei chose not to answer and simply feigned ignorance. It is highly likely that they know the answer to this question but chose not to tell him because they were directly involved in whatever happened to Queen Lily. According to the Gorosei, this whole thing happened 800 years ago and the truth about this matter is now lost in history.

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That is precisely where Cobra posed another intriguing question to the Five Elders and asked them about the meaning of the D. As fans would remember, information about the D is forbidden and even researching it is a crime that warrants death immediately. Expectedly, this startled the Five Elders as it came out of nowhere, however, the meaning of the D seems to have a deep meaning in relation to Queen Lily as well. While this might not be evident at first, looking more into the words of Cobra, it is clear that the D and Queen Lily are somehow related. As soon as he asked that question, the Gorosei wanted to know why he asked this, and Cobra replied that the truth of the matter is that a letter had been penned down by Queen Lily a long time ago.

This letter has been passed down from generation to generation and it likely has to do something with the people of D and holds a great secret about them. That said, it clearly does not hold the truth about these people or the meaning of the letter D, because otherwise, Cobra would already know that information. Nonetheless, it certainly has something to do with them and that is precisely why Cobra was there to ask this question, to begin with.

Imu And Queen Lily

imu one piece chapter 1084

Much to the surprise of the fans, Imu also made an appearance in One Piece 1085. Fans expected Imu to show up at some point in the flashback, later onwards, however, they abruptly made their presence known in this chapter and, what's even more shocking is the fact that they did this in front of Cobra. When Imu entered the Throne Room, even the Elders were startled and told them that they shouldn't be doing this, especially since Cobra was right in front of them. Imu's sudden presence shocked even King Cobra as he didn't believe there to be a true sovereign of the world. But, what was even more shocking was the fact that Imu mentioned the name of Queen Lily. This clearly means that Emu has an idea about Queen Lily and knows who she was. This also alludes to the fact that Imu is actually immortal and has lived for the past 800 years or more, at the very least.

Judging from their size, might even be a teen, with some sort of connection to Queen Lily. Imu then proceeded to sit upon the Empty Throne and it is highly likely that they will answer the questions about Queen Lily in the upcoming chapters, which is something that greatly excites all fans of One Piece alike. It wouldn't be a surprise for the fans to know if the two had some sort of close relationship, blood or otherwise. The matter of fact is that Imu was directly responsible for the death of Queen Lily, however, how exactly her death panned out is something that fans are yet to see. The Nefertari Family has been searching for answers ever since then and it is up to Cobra and Vivi to find out the truth and bring justice to not just Queen Lily but the people of Arabasta as well.

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