Everyone's favorite reindeer medical expert was first introduced to One Piece fans way back on Drum Island, and Tony Tony Chopper has captivated fans all over the globe ever since. The best iteration of Tony Two Times since Goodfellas, Chopper joined up with the Straw Hat Pirates after the culmination of his origin, which saw him cry out the purest tears of joy after seeing his dream come true.

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Chopper is a lovable little reindeer that ate the Human-Human fruit, turning him into a human reindeer. As a Zoan-type Devil Fruit, it also allows Chopper to take different forms to aid in any scenario. As the crew's doctor, Chopper has an immense amount of medical knowledge as well. Though on the internet, Chopper is mostly adored for being the small little baby that supports his friends at all costs, and for a few other funny traits as well.

10 Chopper's Inner Monster


Chopper's Inner Monster Movie Poster

One Piece fans first witness gigantic nightmare Chopper in episode 290 of the Enies Lobby arch. Though this is not the first time Chopper has been in this form, as the episode later explains in a flashback. Chopper enters this monstrous form by taking 3 Rumble Balls, a capsule he invented that essentially buffs his Devil Fruit powers.

RELATED: One Piece: Most Overpowered Devil Fruits, RankedChopper loses all control in this form, and it has caused him to do things in the past that he deeply regrets. Not even this adorable little healer is safe from One Piece's beastly trauma-inducing character pasts.

9 Chopper And Dr. Hiriluk

Robin Joking About Chopper and Dr Hiriluk

Chopper's origin story largely centers around the loss of one man, the former thief, Dr. Hiriluk. After being rejected by his herd due to his unique blue nose and new Devil Fruit abilities, Chopper wanders into town and is almost immediately rejected by society and shot at. Hiriluk finds Chopper in the woods, takes him in as his son, and shows him the beauty of medicine.

RELATED: Biggest Mysteries About The Straw Hat PiratesAfter Hiriluk passes away, Chopper takes up his late father's dream, and is subsequently taken in by Dr. Kureha and becomes her assistant. With Kureha, Chopper learns everything he can about being a doctor and studies constantly when not doing his assistant duties. Though, his passion and drive to be the best doctor he can be is all thanks to his relationship with Dr. Hiriluk.

8 Chopper Is Adorable

Chopper Is Adorable Info Poster

Chopper is practically a walking, talking plush toy. If you take away his ability to lose his mind and transform into an enormous wendigo, he's definitely near the top of the cutest things to ever exist, right up there with quokkas.

Even his wanted poster was captured mid-cotton candy slurp, nautical miles ahead of Sanji's unfortunate poster. Chopper is adored by One Piece fans worldwide, and it's not necessarily for his medical prowess or emotional bonds with characters like Zoro. It's because it is physically impossible to look at this tiny blue nosed reindeer and not feel the urge to pick him up and hug him.

7 Is Chopper A Tanuki?

Is Chopper A Tanuki Butterfly Meme

Just about every person Chopper meets outside his crew mistakes him for a tanuki. Tanukis are adorable Japanese raccoon dogs that do not resemble the average reindeer, even one of Chopper's size. Perhaps the residents throughout each island have never seen a true tanuki, so they assume Chopper must be one.

Nevertheless, Chopper extremely detests being referred to as a raccoon dog, and he will express his hatred for it every single time. Chopper is proud to be a reindeer-man hybrid, even if it doesn't really roll off the tongue well.

6 The Many Faces Of Tony Tony Chopper

Chopper's Facial Expression Cold Toilet Seat

Chopper has one of the most expressive faces in all of One Piece. His cheeks are chubby and malleable, and his eyes warp into shapes that shouldn't be possible. Chopper tends to bounce around between his emotions like a manic pinball machine, and his face almost always keeps up with what he's feeling.

Chopper has the best crying faces, the grumpiest angry faces, and the most supreme happy face ever seen by ocular beings. He can easily melt the hearts of an entire nation, or instill his enemies with eternal dread just by shifting his face around.

5 Chopper's Extensive Medical Knowledge

Chopper Knows About Many Different Drugs

Chopper loves medicine, and he especially loves healing those in need. This gratitude is extended to humans and animals, and Chopper sees his heroism simply as his duty as a doctor. This comes with an extensive knowledge of various plants and medical herbs.

Chopper even grows his own supplies on the ship, a handy feature provided by The Thousand Sunny. While he may be young, Chopper has shown the medical prowess of a doctor far beyond his years. The Straw Hat Pirates simply couldn't ask for a better physician.

4 Chopper Is Gullible

Chopper Is Gullible and Believes Usopp's Lies

After Usopp goes through some emotional turmoil upon learning the Going Merry's fate, he adopts a new persona, Sniper King from Sniper Island, with a fabricated origin story and catchy theme song. Under the guise of Sniper King, Usopp reunites with his crew mates, who see right through his disguise.

At least, most of them do. Luffy and Chopper are fully convinced that Sniper King is a real superhero from Sniper Island. They are captivated by every word he says, and every action he takes leaves them stunned. Usopp had the wool fully wrapped around the head of a medical genius, and Chopper's youthful naivety shined brighter than ever in this instance.

3 Chopper Loves Flattery

Chopper Loves Compliments Flattery Change My Mind meme

The secret to this fluffy doctor's heart is compliments and genuine words of affirmation. This little guy can't get enough flattery, and he physically cannot stop his body from reacting to it. Chopper even perceives words that some wouldn't necessarily consider compliments as flattery.

This aspect of his character is shown time and time again throughout the series, and is a long beloved One Piece staple. If Chopper didn't gush and do his little dance every time someone compliments him, fans of the show would have no idea what truly makes the doctor happy.

2 Chopper's Skypiea Struggles

Chopper Skypiea Merry Fire Dog burning house meme

After the crew launches into the sky aboard the Going Merry, they each set off to explore the Upper Yard, leaving Chopper by himself to guard the ship. He is not too happy with their decision, but must remain anyway. As the rest of the group finds themselves in danger, Chopper is also not so lucky.

RELATED: One Piece: Oldest KingdomsHe is attacked by Shura, who aims to kill all the Straw Hats, and begins launching fire all over the ship, damaging it heavily. In a sheer desperation move, Chopper uses his Devil Fruit powers to transform, then rips the burning mast off the ship before the fire can spread further down.

1 Chopper's Many Forms

Chopper' has many different forms

Chopper's Devil Fruit powers allow him to shift from a small, helpful reindeer to a taller, jacked reindeer at will. He can also transform into a quadrupedal reindeer that enhances his mobility, and another form that enhances his jumping. As previously mentioned, the Monster Point can turn him into a giant wendigo, though this also requires 3 Rumble Balls.

In total, Chopper has 9 forms at his disposal, and each one has its uses. A fan favorite is Guard Point, a form that fluffs out all of Chopper's fur to block incoming damage. This form has him looking a bit like a turtle, but has saved him from eating devastating attacks in the past.

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