The world of One Piece has seen the rise of several powerful pirates since the death of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Along with pirates, many other organizations, such as the Revolutionary Army are also fighting for supremacy on the seas of the One Piece world. To the World Government, they are the worst of criminals.

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Therefore, the Government has placed high bounties on the heads of the most renowned and influential criminals. With the story close to its end now, most of the major bounties have already been revealed to the fans. However, there are certainly a few that the fans don't know even now.

10 Scopper Gaban

Scopper Gaban fighting Whitebeard Pirates

Scopper Gaban was the left-hand man of the Pirate King, Roger. Fans got to see him and Buggy's flashback in the Orange Town arc for the very first time, however, it wasn't revealed until much later that the person wielding two axes was none other than Gaban.

Being the left-hand man of Roger, it goes without saying that Gaban was incredibly powerful. At the same time, he also reached Laugh Tale. As such, his bounty is likely to be very high.

9 Ben Beckman

Benn Beckman

Ben Beckman is the Vice Captain of the Red Hair Pirates. He is known to be an extremely influential figure on the crew and is often the one who carries major responsibilities.

Being Shanks' right hand, Beckman is incredibly powerful. It is believed that he is strong enough to compete against even the Admirals of the One Piece world. For his strength alone, he is likely to have a very high bounty. The figure, however, is not known to fans just yet.

8 Emporio Ivankov

One Piece - Emperio Ivankov Using The Hormone Hormone From On Themselves

Emporio Ivankov is one of the highest-ranking members of the Revolutionary Army and quite possibly the left-hand of Monkey D. Dragon. Ivankov leads the Grand Line Army of the Revolutionary Army and, as such, is likely to be the strongest commander under Dragon after Sabo.

Ivankov was once locked in Level 5 of Impel Down, suggesting that his bounty was greater than 100 million berries. Since then, he's likely to have grown much stronger and, thus, gained a much bigger bounty.

7 Edward Weevil

Edward Weevil One Piece

The self-proclaimed son of Whitebeard, Weevil is a monstrously powerful character whose strength was even acknowledged by Admiral Kizaru of the Navy himself.

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He was offered the position of a Warlord recently, however, the eventual dissolution of the system means that he is once again a wanted pirate. Prior to becoming a Warlord of the sea, Weevil had a 480 million berries bounty on his head. This figure is likely much higher now.

6 Kuzan

Aokiji arrives at Punk Hazard

Formerly known as Admiral Aokiji, Kuzan was once one of the greatest military assets of the World Government. After the Summit War, he fought Akainu on Punk Hazard for the position of Fleet Admiral of the Navy. Losing a battle that lasted for 10 days, Kuzan ended up leaving the Navy.

Since then, he has gotten himself involved with the underworld of the One Piece world. Even more recently, he is known to have allied with the Blackbeard Pirates in some way or form. He sure to have a very high bounty on his head.

5 Silvers Rayleigh

silvers rayleigh haki

Renowned as the Dark King, Silvers Rayleigh is the former right-hand man of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Rayleigh is a living legend in the world of One Piece. His strength is immense despite being old and the pedigree that he carries is just as majestic.

Rayleigh sailed all the way to Laugh Tale and found out all the secrets of the world. He possesses knowledge that the World Government considers forbidden and carries tremendous strength on top of it. Undoubtedly, his bounty is going to be extremely high.

4 Kozuki Oden

kozuki oden is surrounded by flames

Kozuki Oden was once a daimyo of Wano Country. However, when he got the chance to sail on the seas with Whitebeard, he took it with both hands. Eventually, he even joined the Roger Pirates and helped them reach Laugh Tale. Oden was a major threat to the World Government as he could read and write Poneglyphs.

At the same time, He also carried majestic strength the likes of which can be compared to the Yonko of the One Piece world. According to Kaido, Oden possessed strength that no other samurai could match until Luffy. His bounty would certainly have been closer to the Yonko of the One Piece world.

3 Shiki

Shiki One Piece Golden Lion

Famous as the Golden Lion, Shiki is a powerful pirate who ruled the seas with Roger before the Great Pirate Era began. He was known to have the greatest armada on the Grand Line, and was even a match for Gol D. Roger himself.

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As a legendary pirate, Shiki was unbelievably powerful. He was the only person to break out of Impel Down until the events that shortly preceded the Summit War. Being such a major threat to the World Government, his bounty was likely to be massive.

2 Monkey D. Dragon

Monkey D. Dragon

Monkey D. Dragon is the leader of the Revolutionary Army and the man known as the World's Worst Criminal. He is the direct rival of the World Nobles and aims to liberate the world from their control.

Dragon leads a massive revolution that is now getting close to its culmination. He is also tremendously powerful, given that his right hand, Sabo, is strong enough to fight against the likes of the Admirals of the Navy. Dragon is one of the mightiest criminals in the One Piece world and his unknown bounty is certainly going to be massive.

1 Rocks D. Xebec

Rocks D xebec One Piece

Rocks is a legend in the One Piece world now. Close to 40 years ago, he was the major force on the seas and ruled all of them alone. He established the Rocks Pirates which included figures such as Big Mom, Kaido, and even Whitebeard and Shiki.

Rocks aimed to be the King of the entire world and his pirate group acted as a terrorist organization. He is known to have been Roger's most formidable enemy, implying that his strength surpassed even that of Roger and Whitebeard. For now, Rocks' bounty remains unknown.

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