One Piece is the great treasure left behind by Gol D. Roger. Over twenty years ago, Roger was executed in Loguetown, and before being executed he openly stated that he left his treasure on one of the islands in the Grand Line. While Roger did not mention the name of the island, it was later confirmed that the island where he left the One Piece is Laugh Tale.

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The island cannot be located by the log pose, and the only way to find it is by finding all four Road Ponegylphs. Since the Road Ponegylphs are hard to come by, it is almost impossible for most One Piece characters to locate Laugh Tale. However, there are a few One Piece characters, who are quite close to finding Laugh Tale.

6 Blackbeard

One Piece - Blackbeard Giving His Classic Scummy Look To Someone

Blackbeard is one of the strongest characters in the series. He has no glaring weaknesses, which makes it extremely difficult for an opponent to overpower him in a fight. Blackbeard has two devil fruits in his possession, and both of them are immensely overpowered. With the Yami Yami no Mi, Blackbeard can effectively nullify the power of other devil fruits, while the Gura Gura no Mi offers him both offense and defense.

So far Blackbeard's plans remain unknown, albeit it is very likely that he is searching for the One Piece as well. Blackbeard has no road poneglyph, but given the fact that he is the final villain, he will definitely get his hands on the Road Poneglyphs in the future.

5 Eustass Kid

Eustass Captain Kid Of The Worst Generation

The Wano Country arc proved to be a pivotal arc for Kid's character. Before the arc, his character did not have much substance. He was mainly seen as a pirate, who liked to cause destruction, but all that changed in Wano. Kid showed his resolve to avenge his friend, and to make a point that he is not far behind the other Worst Generation members.

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Kid ate the Jiki Jiki no Mi, a paramecia type devil fruit, that allows him to manipulate the magnetic forces. The awakening of Jiki Jiki no Mi enables Kid to turn a living thing into a magnet, which can cause them to be crushed by metallic objects. When Kid, Law, and Luffy were discussing their next plans, it was disclosed that Kid has two Road Poneglyphs— one from Whole Cake Island, and the other from Wano. So, he is a genuine contender for becoming the Pirate King.

4 Trafalgar Law

trafalgar d water law

Trafalgar Law showed his worth as a fighter in Wano. In the previous arcs, Law was rather underwhelming in fights, so there was lot riding on his fight against Big Mom. Law teamed up with Kid to take down the Yonko as neither of them could defeat her on their own. Law had to rely on his devil fruit awakening to send Big Mom to her doom.

Law has been traveling with the Straw Hats for quite some time, which helped him to get a copy of the Road Poneglyph located in Zou. Law did not travel to Whole Cake Island, so he couldn't get the ponegylph from Big Mom. However, he did find the Road Ponegylph in Wano, which brings his total to two. In addition to the copies of the ponegylphs, Kid and very possibly Law know about the man with the burn scar. According to Kid, this information gives them an edge over Luffy and puts them within touching distance of the legendary treasure.

3 Buggy

Small sized Buggy from One Piece

To the surprise of many people, Buggy was named one of the two new Yonko. Buggy managed to rise to such an incredible position due to his reputation, which has been created by multiple misunderstandings. Anyone who knows Buggy personally knows that he is a fool, with no skill for fighting. However, the Navy is not aware of Buggy's fraudulent reputation, and his connection to the Roger Pirates makes him appear very powerful, so they named him a Yonko.

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While Buggy does not have the resources to steal the Road Poneglyphs, he probably knows about what's written on them as he did sail with the Roger Pirates. Unfortunately, Buggy did not go all the way to Laugh Tale as he came down with an illness.

2 Monkey D. Luffy

Monkey D Luffy from One Piece episode 1034

Monkey D. Luffy is the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, and the youngest pirate to be named Yonko. As the main character, Luffy has numerous exploits to his name, but his biggest achievement is defeating Kaido in Wano. Luffy's triumph meant that Wano was once again a free country.

When news of Luffy's victory broke out, the World Government wasted no time in issuing a new bounty of 3,000,000,000 berries to his name. Currently, Luffy is in possession of three Road Poneglyphs and once he gets his hands on the last one, he can easily reach Laugh Tale.

1 Shanks

Shanks Looking Intimidating In One Piece

Shanks is the leader of the Red Hair Pirates and the Yonko with the highest bounty. Before the Great Age of Pirates, Shanks used to be an apprentice on the ship of Gol D. Roger. He sailed with the crew to every possible location, and it is very likely that he saw all the Road Poneglyphs.

Once Oden deciphered the poneglyphs, it is safe to assume that everyone in the crew learned about what was written on them. Towards the end of the Wano Country arc, Shanks told Ben Beckman that it is about time that they claimed the One Piece, which is a clear indicator that the Yonko knows how to reach Laugh tale.

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