Wordle is a simple word puzzle game by the New York Times. Some word puzzle fans log in everyday to try their hand against this quick little brain-teaser, but anyone who is new or lost might want a little extra help today.

How To Play Wordle

While it was massively popular in early 2022, Wordle has not been as popular since it was purchased by the New York Times. However, since the beginning, many people have logged in every day to play. The viral nature of the game as well as its limited gameplay has spawned a lot of clones, including niche, themed versions and even a lot of direct copycats. The original is still hosted on the NYT Games site and its Crossword app; this is the version this article is about and other versions may have different answers and rules. That being said, here are the rules of how to play the original Wordle.

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First, players need to choose a great starting word. In order for this word to be the beginning of good strategy for winning Wordle, players will need to make sure it follows the rules of play. Here are some things that will help players choose the best starting word for them.

  • Wordle word are always five letters long, always a real English word, and never a proper noun.
  • While they can be used as guesses, Wordle answers are never plural nouns ending in S.
  • The New York Times removed all potentially sensitive words from the word pool, like slurs, some body parts, and words like VOMIT. Do not try to use these types of words.
  • Starting words should contain loads of common letters.
  • Wordle words can contain repeated letters.

Type the chosen starting word into the grid and press enter. The letters of the word will change colors, giving clues to the player. Green are right, gray are wrong, and yellow are right but in the wrong place in the word. Wordle fans have six total guesses to get to the right answer.

Hints for the Wordle 494 for October 26, 2022

Today's Wordle word is a quite the challenge. Here are some clues for anyone who just wants a little help.

  • Today's five-letter Wordle word starts with an F.
  • This word contains no duplicated letters.
  • This word is a verb that is used to describe something a vain person might do.
  • Today's Wordle word rhymes with SHOUT.
  • This word has two vowels, and one of them is an O.
  • There is also an L in this word.

Answer for Wordle 494 for October 26, 2022

Anyone just want the full answer to the puzzle? Check below the image. Fans of this word puzzle game can find the answer to the Wordle for October 26th there.


The answer to Wordle puzzle 494 is FLOUT.

Wordle is available for any browser.

MORE: Wordle Fans Should Check Out Wordscapes and Mobile Games Like It

Source: Wordle, Reddit