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Wordle is a simple puzzle game that pits players against a mystery five-letter word once a day. Today's word is challenging enough that some players might want a hint or two to get through today without losing their Wordle winning streak.

How To Play Wordle

While Wordle is a fairly easy game to play, anyone who has yet to try out this viral game will still need a rundown of all the rules. Here is a quick breakdown of where to go and how to play once players get there.

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First and foremost, players will want to make sure that they are playing the correct version. Ever since the game went viral at the beginning of 2022, there have been a whole mess of Wordle clones and copycats. The original, and the subject of this article, is the New York Times Games version. It was programmed by an indie developer and then purchased by the newspaper giant back in February. In order to play this version, head to the New York Times Games Wordle site or the NYT Crossword App.

After that, choose a starting word. This word needs to be:

  • Five letters long.
  • A real English word.
  • A word that isn't a proper noun.
  • A word that isn't a plural noun ending in S or ES.

The best starting Wordle words also have a good variety of common letters in them. Type this word into Wordle and press enter. This will cause the letters to change colors.

  • Green letters are right.
  • Gray letters are wrong.
  • Yellow letters are right but in the wrong place in the word.

Given these clues, try new words and get new clues until the answer is guessed correctly or players run out of their six total tries.

Hints for the Wordle 516 for November 17, 2022

Wordle's word for the day is a very common word, but it can still trip some players up. Here are some hints that don't spoil the whole answer.

  • Today's five-letter Wordle word begins with the letter T.
  • This word contains two vowels.
  • It is both an adverb and a noun.
  • The definition of this word can be "in a place."
  • There is one R in this word.
  • This word contains duplicated letters.
  • It also contains a letter H.
  • This word rhymes with "HAIR."

Answer for Wordle 516 for November 17, 2022

Any players looking for the whole answer to today's puzzle can check below this image. The spoiler for today's Wordle is there.


The answer to Wordle puzzle 516 is THERE.

Wordle is available for any browser.

MORE: Why a Wordle Paywall Would Effectively Kill the Game

Source: Wordle, Reddit