No Man's Sky has been remade in another fan-project, courtesy this time, of modder Robert Prest. No Guy's Sky is a mod of the classic 1993 shooter Doom.

If you never got round to playing Hello Games' universe-exploration title No Man's Sky, now could be your chance as one dedicated modder has transformed Doom into a replica of the somewhat poorly-received game.


In the mod, entitled 'No Guy's Sky', players can visit other planets, mine resources, and communicate with aliens, amongst other things that are all possible in No Man's Sky. The mod also contains space stations stocked with vending machines, and a well-labelled "Center of the Universe" to discover. Remarkably, the mod's creator Robert Prest claims that he has never even played No Man's Sky.

"I've not got around to playing No Man's Sky yet," says modder Robert Prest in a video showcasing his mod for Doom. "But I've based it on what I saw in the trailer."

Much like in No Man's Sky, the mod randomly generates landscapes and creatures for the player to explore. In No Guy's Sky, aliens are built from a combination of classic Doom monsters and humans, meaning that it's entirely possible to see Neil deGrasse Tyson's face pop up in-game.


Planets can also be renamed, just like each of the 18 quintillion planets can be in No Man's Sky, though it's significantly less likely that your named landmasses will be wiped in this mod. For those eager to get playing, however, this mod isn't available just yet. After 3 weeks of work, Prest's project is nearing completion, though he's still working at fixing a few textures before releasing No Guy's Sky to the general public.

This isn't the only fan-project that hoped to recreate No Man's Sky's potential in recent times, and Mario-themed mash-up "No Mario's Sky" was recently sent a takedown notice, courtesy of Nintendo. Thankfully, the developer behind the Mario-esque title has re-skinned the game, making it playable without giving the Big N a reason to get lawyers involved once again.

It really shows the potential that No Man's Sky had, going by the amount of fan-support that the title has surrounding it. While many agree that the game was largely disappointing, and many complaining about deceitful advertising or broken promises, there's no denying the hype that built up before release.

According to Sony President Shuhei Yoshida, it was the bad PR that led to the game's poor reception, something that seems entirely believable, though the lack of things to actually do in-game is also likely responsible.

No Man's Sky is available on PC and PlayStation 4. No Guy's Sky will be released as a mod sometime in the near future.