Team Ninja has confirmed Nioh 2 is in its alpha testing phase, and some PS4 users are currently putting it through its paces. To accompany the announcement, the developer also released a gameplay trailer, marking the first time audiences get to see the title in action.

A select number of PlayStation 4 users are currently taking part in alpha testing for Nioh 2, Team Ninja recently confirmed. Team Ninja failed to mention how exactly these users were chosen, but it does state that there are no current plans to expand the alpha at this time. Player will be testing the alpha demo until Sunday, June 2.

This may be a bit of a bummer for Nioh fans who want in, but at least the developer was good enough to release a trailer for those not getting any hands-on time. In terms of story, there's nil, but in terms of sheer action, there is a lot to digest in the nearly two minutes of video. Audiences get a look at gameplay for both an armored-clad samurai and a woman who wields a spear. A highlight of the trailer are the characters' transformations into demon forms, something teased last year.

Audiences first saw these demon forms in the title's first trailer, which was shown right after Nioh 2 was announced at E3 2018. The trailer Team Ninja premiered at the event was much different than the one just released. It was purely cinematic, and ended with one of the main characters growing horns and transforming.

For those who did not get a chance to play the original game yet, it is certainly worth a playthrough. It's a great game that was reviewed well upon release. There don't appear to be any direct links with the first game's story as of yet, but there could be connections in the sequel that will make it worth playing as well. Now that Nioh is also on PC, there are more options for anyone interested.

Nioh 2 is currently in development for the PS4.