Nintendo has had mixed results in the mobile game market, with some financial successes such as Pokemon GO and Fire Emblem Heroes, as well as some duds like Mario Kart Tour and Dr. Mario World. On June 21, Bloomberg published a statement from mobile games consultant Serkan Toto saying the success of console titles like Animal Crossing: New Horizons meant Nintendo was done with the mobile games market, having no new projects in development.

However, the company's annual report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020 that was delivered at its shareholders meeting on in late June apparently contradicts this sentiment. In its business overview, the report reads that, "Against the backdrop of the spread of smart devices, the 'gaming population' is expanding rapidly beyond the bounds of the Company group's past initiatives." As a result, Nintendo asserted the mobile business is a "target area" for increasing access to various IP through "products and services that everyone can enjoy" regardless of demographic.

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That initiative to "build long-term relationships with customers" through a large mobile install base can be seen with some recent actions. Despite their lukewarm receptions, Mario Kart Tour is receiving fan-requested features like landscape orientation, and Dr. Mario World is regularly adding new characters. Days before the report was delivered, Nintendo also released Pokemon Smile to serve as a young audience toothbrushing aid.

Nintendo Logo Header

At one point in the report, Nintendo says it made 51.2 billion yen, around $474 million, through mobile titles alone in the 2019-2020 fiscal year. However, mobile games are not the only way Nintendo hopes to expand its IP and create more opportunities for people to encounter them. A focus on theme parks like Super Nintendo World, films, and merchandising with more corporate partners is also emphasized as a way to enhance Nintendo's properties, "The source of our competitive strength."

Individual series within Nintendo's wheelhouse have seen multiple merchandise opportunities within recent weeks, such as Pokemon-themed ice cream from Baskin-Robbins in Japan. The developer has also been increasing its overall brand recognition through ventures such as a LEGO Nintendo Entertainment System set being released in August.

Though no major announcements have been made regarding what new mobile game projects Nintendo may be interested in putting out following the June 26 shareholders meeting, many of the titles currently available promise to have long lives ahead of them. Recently, Pokemon Masters revealed major updates coming for its first anniversary, and no doubt titles like Fire Emblem Heroes and Dragalia Lost will continue to see periodic new content.

MORE: Baskin Robbins Introduces Pokemon Ice Cream Treats

Sources: Nintendo, Bloomberg