New World is up and running, and players are already learning what makes it tick. This includes learning what to craft first in New World, how best to grind, and how to deal with both server issues and bots.

However, not all the troubles that players are encountering in New World stem from technical problems or technical exploitations. No, some of them stem from problems and exploitation built directly into the game's systems. One prime example is Companies, how they work and interact with territory and players, and how players are severely dissatisfied with not having a way to express their dissatisfaction with Companies.

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Companies are subsets of Factions, an integral part to the game. However, while there are three Factions built into the game itself as part of the story, Companies are player created, player owned, and player operated. They have free reign over their settlement and its territory, including how much players in that town can be taxed. Obviously some Companies are setting those taxes quite high to feed the Company owners while the players in their territory struggle with bots hogging fishing spots. As such, players want the ability to rebel against companies.

Right now, players do not have the option to rebel against their own Faction, or more specifically, against the Companies under their Faction. While it is possible to change Factions and settle under a new Company, these processes take both time and resources, and in the meantime players are losing both. The suggested idea is for players to be able to rebel against and depose Companies that are bad actors, imposing high taxes to fill their Governor's pockets and so on. This frustration goes a bit deeper than things like New World gear clipping through each other because it directly affects gameplay and resources.

Other options do exist at this point, such as bordering off towns with bad Companies to starve them of resources, but this requires the coordination and cooperation of many players without Companies of their own. No one wants the common New World mistake of settling in the wrong place to haunt them all game.

This should, by all accounts, be a complaint that Amazon handles, or it may poison the community against the game's mechanics, and each other, for New World's lifecycle. However, Amazon has already gone back on promises about New World, so expecting more from it right now might be asking too much.

New World is out now for PC.

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